Maryland STEM Portfolio Project (MSPP) Problem Based Learning Geospatial Technologies ePortfolio & Web 2.0 Tools
Discovery Education Science Service began early February 2011 All teachers in each school where there is an MSPP grant participant received a passcode to set up their own account Site-based Professional Development will be provided based on District request
Ideal Classroom Initiative Proposals Proposals have been scored and ranked using a strictly adhered to detailed rubric Based on currently available funds, first round of proposals have been awarded – 3 schools Additional proposals have been included as part of the amendment request – including one ePortfolio award
RegionCounties involvedSummer Academy Location Region 1 Washington, Allegany, Garrett, Carroll. Frederick Regional Lead - Kara Reed Instructional Coach - Kim Day Washington - Washington County Technical High School July and Aug 1 -2 Region 2 Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Howard, Queen Anne's Regional Lead - Val Emrich Instructional Coach - Cara Riedel Anne Arundel - Arlington Echo – July 5-7, Region 3 Harford, Baltimore County, Cecil, Kent Regional Lead - Eric Cromwell Instructional Coach - Erica Lyons Harford - Patterson Mill Middle/High School - August 1-4, 8-9 Region 4 Prince George's, Calvert, St. Mary's, Montgomery, Charles Regional Lead - Treesa Elam-Repass, Felicia Colbert Instructional Coach - Mickelli Dunn Prince George's Co. - Howard B. Owens Science Center July 12-14, Region 5 Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, Talbot Regional Lead - Donna Johnson Instructional Coach - Kim Castle Caroline - Salisbury University July 19-21, 26-28
Summer Academy PD Purpose: Revise and refine the STEM PBL units. Deepen understanding of elements. Areas of concentration: Integration of technology into instruction –Components – Web 2.0, PBL, GeoSpatial Application of Information Literacy
Summer Academy PD ePortfolios – benefits and purposes Sustainability for grant elements PBL components Assessment of PBL Use of GPS and GIS software