STAND BY FOR NEWS… CELL PHONES OFF Be in class on time Have reading done by each class time ◦Chapter 9 first ◦Random textbook order ◦Know when and plan for each Chapter Exam ◦Chapter 9 this Wed-Fri online Read news every day ◦Check University Master Calendar, other media ◦‘Enterprise Reporting’ / East Texan Budget Meetings ◦Pay attention to what’s going on
Getting Started Read the syllabus and review the outline Start on training project immediately See production requirements Spend first weeks assuring skills Attend Practicum meeting this week Attend this month’s City Council, School Board or Commissioner’s Court meeting ◦What are these? What do they do? ◦Why does is matter that you know?
Meetings Hunt County Commissioners Court – Tuesday January 14, 2014 Regular Session - 10:00 am – downtown Greenville – only if no class, or not until 12:30 Hunt County Commissioners Court – Tuesday January 14, 2014 Commerce City Council – Tuesday, January 21 st, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, 1119 Alamo Street. Commerce School Board, Tuesday, January 21 st at 7 p.m. in the CISD Board Room, 3315 Washington St. Executive (or closed) session is held at 6:15 p.m. Arrive minimum 15 minutes before start time
Story shooting (see link) 1. You must shoot and edit sequences. If you are not certain you understand the concept, come get training. If your project does not show clear indication of frequent sequencing, and/or has pop cuts and/or jump cuts, and/or has fewer than 3-4 shots per ten seconds of story content, or does not have pad shot(s) as assigned, it will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#2 ‘must do’ You may not use a zoom or pan shot, except in rare occasions for follow shots. In this case the zoom or pan must be ‘invisible.’ You must fade in and out, but have only cuts inside the story as transitions. If you do not follow any of these requirements, the submission will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#3 ‘must do’ You may not have any ‘hand-held’ / shaky camera shots. If you submit a story with any ‘non broadcast quality’ shots, the submission will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#4 ‘must do’ You must take and use a camera-mounted light each time. B-roll may be lit with available light; an interview must have the camera-mounted light turned on, or other clear indication of an acceptable key light on the subject. If you submit a story with any ‘non broadcast quality’ lighting situations, the submission will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#5 ‘must do’ You must take and use a lavaliere mic for every interview. To start the interview, you must start the camera recording, then have the subject say and spell his / her name. You must ask each interview subject a minimum of five questions and then must end with a question that says essentially ‘what else about this should the audience know?’ If you do not do this it will be rejected and you will have no project grade..
#5 continued… Your produced foreground audio when edited must be throughout the edited production set at -12 and your audio mix must be broadcast quality (lower nat sound under foreground audio). If you submit a story with any ‘non broadcast quality’ audio situations and/or without all required raw footage content, the submission will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#6 ‘must do’ You are required to make advance arrangements with someone in charge of the event for every event you shoot. If you do not, then you arrive and cannot shoot the event, your project will be graded as not meeting the deadline and have grade reduction accordingly. You will have grade reductions for not making advance contact.
#6 continued Likewise, when you have an event planned to shoot, always also have a back-up event planned in case your event is canceled, so you can still meet deadline. In news, deadline is deadline— there are no extensions. Yesterday’s football game started at 3:30 pm. What did they do to accommodate people who were not ready?
#7 ‘must do’ You must set up your Final Cut Pro scratch discs settings and file location only as demonstrated in class. If you are not certain you understand the concept, come get training before it’s time to edit. If you do not follow this requirement, the project will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
#8 ‘must do’ You ‘submit’ your project by exporting it into your Project Folder as file and then making a duplicate copy to put on the desktop of your log-in. Not done like this or by the deadline, the project will be rejected and you will have no project grade.
Basic idea… Make sure you understand the content and production expectations and get them right the first time Start with a practice VO over the meeting you shoot this month, then VSV and package – course outline shows deadlines You must sign up for one meeting to cover and you must shoot it on your own, even though 6-7 other people will be there. Do not get others in your shots Plan for who you will interview and when
You have to know research Where do you find information? How do you know it’s a good news story? How do you decide what to write? How do you tell the story effectively?
Basics of News Timeliness, Proximity, Conflict, Prominence, Human Interest (and others -- ‘what makes it news?’) Spot News, hard news, routine news (note news releases and VNRs), soft news, features, investigative Types of TV stories ◦Package, Vo-Sot/VSV/VOB/AB, VO, reader ◦Live shot variations Production terms ◦B-roll, sound bites, nat sound, seamless editing (steady shots, sequences, matched action shots), voice over (‘track’), stand up, BOPSA, Rambo video, shoot to edit, in- camera editing, shooting ratio, focus/commitment, lead, lead-in, write to pictures, photography is... (lighting issues), close miking, handheld mic
Basics of News (cont.) Stages of production Points of view ◦Objective, subjective, reportorial Shot composition ◦XCU, CU, MS, LS, 2-shot, OTS, etc. Camera angles ◦Eye level, low/high level, low/high angle Target audience (Who’s watching? Who cares?) ◦Information for whom? Done how?
Field Shooting In camera editing / shooting ratio Use a tripod (steady bag option) Zooming and panning before shooting ◦‘make the zoom invisible’ ◦Broken tripods note Story focus and script before shooting ◦The focus may change Rambo video (editing chapter)
Shooting sequences WS, MS, CU, XCU and vary angles Mostly CU and MS Fleeting / perishable video Example: Bus arrives to pick up child ◦Child waiting on corner LS/MS/CU/XCU ◦Bus LS, child, then CU OTS bus into frame ◦MS child moving to get onto bus ◦CU bus driver smiling, LS bus ◦CU doors close, MS bus starts to pull away ◦Bus exits shot
Other shooting notes Static shots vs. shots with movement Anticipate action Shoot subjects in-frame/out of frame Plan for jump cuts / false reverse Staging versus motivating Issues in one-person band / VJ style ◦Shooting interview and cover shots B-roll & interviews on two different tapes ◦Shooting the stand-up ◦Flip viewfinder, wireless mic, sequence shot
Safety & Legal Issues Where can you shoot? ◦Public/private, permission, libel & privacy Informing people you are coming Making interview arrangements Tell them you’re with KETV News Distancing while shooting See the mistakes checklist in Chapter 4 No opinions in stories / clear attribution of facts Putting people in stories