Early Childhood Advisory Council
“ “ “ “ “ “ CECC Brief History … a vehicle for bringing together many community members to support issues of importance to children and families. … addresses the unique needs and strengths of local communities related to early childhood. “ “
CECC Past Activities 40% Improving Environments Supporting Families Professional Development 31% 27% 2% Providing Data CECC activities by category FY
CECC Past Activities Improving Environments Supporting Families Professional Development 30% 2% Providing Data 59% STARS Maintenance 10% School Readiness 27% STARS Participation 27% CECC activities by category FY
CECC Past Activities Improving Environments Supporting Families Professional Development 2% Providing Data 59% STARS Maintenance 10% School Readiness 27% STARS Participation 44% Awareness 30% Providing Opportunities 25% Providing Materials 31% CECC activities by category FY
CECC Past Activities Improving Environments Supporting Families Professional Development Providing Data 59% STARS Maintenance 10% School Readiness 27% STARS Participation 44% Awareness 30% Providing Opportunities 25% Providing Materials 100% Training CECC activities by category FY %
CECC Past Activities Improving Environments Supporting Families Professional Development Providing Data 59% STARS Maintenance 10% School Readiness 27% STARS Participation 44% Awareness 30% Providing Opportunities 25% Providing Materials 100% Training 100% Child Screening CECC activities by category FY
Funding Map
59 Funded Counties (49%)
Funding Map 59 Funded Counties (49%) 36 Unfunded Counties (30%)
Funding Map 59 Funded Counties (49%) 36 Unfunded Counties (30%) 25 Counties Did Not Apply (21%)
Forming a New Vision The changing landscape for CECCs Early Childhood Advisory Council formed Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant Governor’s Office of Early Childhood forms Community Collaboration Subcommittee of ECAC Kindergarten Readiness Screener TQRIS Family Engagement Professional Development P-20 Data Collaborative Early Learning Standards & Assessments Improve School Readiness
Forming a New Vision … revitalize Community Early Childhood Councils “ “ “ “... increase collaboration across the state “ “ “ “... Continue momentum, build capacity and promote participation “ “
Forming a New Vision Listening to councils COMMON VISION RIGHT MEMBERSHIP LEADERSHIP GOALS RESULTS DRIVEN What makes a council succeed?
Priority #1: School Readiness In Kentucky School Readiness means each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. 5 Developmental Domains Approaches to Learning Health and Physical Well Being Language and Communication Development Social Emotional Development Cognitive and General Knowledge COMMON VISION
Priority #2: Increase Collaboration The right members, active and engaged... LEADERSHIP RIGHT MEMBERSHIP Three Required Members CHILD CARE HEAD START SCHOOL DISTRICT
Priority #3: Focus on Outcomes GOALS RESULTS DRIVEN Measuring success and tracking change... Indicator of Success Local Needs-Based Activities Desired Outcome
A Framework For Success Improving School Readiness Entire Community Improving Environments Supporting Families Providing Data Improving Environments Supporting Families Providing Data STARS Participation Quality Workforce Ensuring Quality Learning Environments Opportunities For Shared Learning Materials and Activities Enhancing Access to Services Access to Screening Continuous Assessment Data Sharing and Training
CECC RFA Timeline AprilMayJuneMarch 2012 March 16, 2012 RFA Available Resources and Checklist April 11, 2012 T/TA Webinar on RFA April 25, 2012 Intent to apply (included in RFA) May 1, 2012 Written Questions Due May 22-23, 2012 Annual Institute June 15, 2012 Applications due July Applications Reviewed Early August Award Notifications
Delivering the Message Communications Plan (RFA) Librarians Head Start Preschool Coord. KSBA County Ext. STARS Centers Judge Executives FRYSCs HDI United Way KY SEED First Steps KY Chamber …..and more Webinar (RFA) Focused on presenting new vision Attended by 61 groups Viewed an additional 51 times online
Delivering the Message Communications Plan (RFA) Librarians Head Start Preschool Coord. KSBA County Ext. STARS Centers Judge Executives FRYSCs HDI United Way KY SEED First Steps KY Chamber …..and more Webinar (RFA) Focused on presenting new vision Attended by 61 groups Viewed an additional 51 times online 100% Counties Sent Intent to Apply
CECC Annual Institute Annual Institute May 22-23, Attendees General Butler State Park - Carrollton, KY 68 Councils 94 Counties 78% of all counties represented Engaging Parents, Families and Communities School Districts 11% Head Start 15% Childcare 20% FRCs Technical Support for Grant Writing and Examples of Best Practice
CECC Annual Institute Annual Institute May 22-23, Attendees General Butler State Park - Carrollton, KY 68 Councils 94 Counties Engaging Parents, Families and Communities Technical Support for Grant Writing and Examples of Best Practice Organizations that Presented Henry County Schools Louisville Science Center 4C Northern Kentucky Head Start Healthy Start Success by 6 United Way Union County CECC County Extension UK EC Laboratory Gallatin County Schools Children Inc. LaRue County CECC Hardin County Schools Kentucky Teacher Internship Lincoln County Schools Strive Partnership Kenton County Public Library CC R&R Fayette County Schools KY Department of Education Madison County Schools
CECC Annual Institute
CECC Annual Institute Annual Institute May 22-23, Attendees General Butler State Park - Carrollton, KY 68 Councils 94 Counties Engaging Parents, Families and Communities Technical Support for Grant Writing and Examples of Best Practice Survey Results 87% Satisfied with Institute overall 94% Satisfied with presenters 95% Satisfied with GOEC staff Travel Stipends Issued to councils that were unfunded last year One stipend per council 21 Stipends issued 5 Stipends were issued to councils that did not apply last year
Applications By the Numbers Applications due by June 15 th 69 councils applied 105 counties represented 88% of all counties 15 counties/councils did not apply (12% of all counties) 3% increase in the number of RFAs 10% increase in the number of counties 13 counties applied this year that did not in
Applications Comparison Activities by Category Funded Councils Councils (all applied)
Applications Review Review Process: Call for reviewers June 8, Reviewers responded Diverse backgrounds Reviewer webinar June 19, 2012 Focused on the scoring rubric Identified material omissions All reviewers scored each section Each application reviewed twice by different reviewers Application was reviewed a third time if more than a 15% variance Reviewers were instructed to provide extensive notes
Proposed Funding Model Tier One Tier Two Tier Three Councils that scored 96 and above Fund application fund at requested amount Councils that scored between Fund application at a pro-rated amount Councils that scored below 80 Councils that had a material omission in their application Provide additional technical assistance Invite to reapply Pending review, fund application at a pro-rated amount
Proposed Funding Model Funding Recommendation Funding Tier Number of Councils Number of Counties Number Not Funded 2011 Award Rec.Percent of Total Amount Tier $596, % Tier $361, % Tier $241, % Totals69105$1,199,999 Note: Pro-rated amount for Tier2 and Tier of requested amount
Thank You
Next Steps Funding represents the beginning of our Relationship, not the end. “ “ “ “ Councils in Tier One Councils in Tier Two Councils in Tier Three Celebrate successes Collect best practices Mentor a neighboring council Provide technical assistance on activities and budget revisions Match with a mentor if needed Intensive technical assistance (in person regionally) Identify additional resources Match with a mentor if needed