Daniel Simmons Dev Manager Microsoft Session Code: DTL401
Agenda Goals Priority 1: Increase success with the EF now Priority 2: Prepare for what is coming in EF4 Approach: Create an EF N-Tier Web Application Sketch architecture Build EF data access layer and business objects Customize code generation to add OnValidate Create fake repository and web application Add WCF service and real repository
Target Architecture DB & Service Tier Data Access Layer Business Objects WCF Service Web Server WCF Client Business Objects Web UI Browser
Architectural Considerations Know what tiers are needed and why Tier may have multiple layers Sample mid-tier has DAL, business objects and service Sample web-tier has repository, business objects and UI Sample separates web-tier from mid-tier because… Reduces internal network surface exposed to the DMZ Creates option for web-tier scale out Consider service operations and payload shapes Factors include change rates and trust boundaries Sample uses custom services and shared entities
Mid-Tier Persistence Entity Partial Classes Entity Framework Context Entities DAL Business Objects Generated Hand-Written
Demo #1: DAL and Business Objects Look at an EF Model based on Northwind Examine modifications for concurrency checks Debug optimistic concurrency in action
DAL and Business Objects
Demo 1 Takeaways EF enables separate DAL and business object layers, but there is much less code to write Hand-written DAL is replaced by combination of: EF storage/entity mapping generated context Business objects also generated, but extended with custom business logic Pay attention to concurrency Especially in disconnected scenarios
T4 Output Text Control Code Template Metadata Generated Code T4
Demo #2: T4 and OnValidate Add T4 template to customize generated code Modify template for OnValidate mechanism Add partial class with validation code Test validation
T4 and OnValidate
Demo 2 Takeaways T4 makes customizing code generation easy EF4 will use T4 in a big way Register SavingChanges event handler during context construction EF4 makes SaveChanges virtual ObjectStateManager tracks all changes Use LINQ to Objects to interrogate it Avoid modifying other entities in OnValidate
Web Tier & Repository Pattern Repository Fake Impl Real Impl Web UI Business Objects
Demo #3: Fake Repository & Web UI Add ICustomerRepository interface Create fake implementation Pull in Web UI written using the repository
Fake Repository & Web UI
Demo 3 Takeaways Mental model of a repository is an in-memory collection Centralizes all data access in one place Easy to understand and tune if needed De-couples rest of application from data access Easily create fake or mock implementations Enables multiple real implementations Did I mention that it de-couples the rest of your application from data access?
Cross-tier Communication Persistence WCF Service Web-tier WCF Client Repository Mid-tier Serialized Entities
Demo #4: Connecting the Dots Turn ICustomerRepository into service contract Extend context class with AttachAsModified Add implementation of service contract Examine EF disconnected updates Test the implementation Examine web tier auto-proxy repository Run the final application
Connecting the Dots
Demo 4 Takeaways Concurrency for disconnected operations Maintain concurrency value from first read Change-tracking for disconnected operations Individual property tracking often unnecessary Disconnected graph manipulation Mixed operations quite difficult in 3.5 sp1 State transitions also constrained in 3.5 sp1 Context operations treat graph uniformly Improvements here in EF4 (APIs, Self-Tracking)
What Next? Same patterns apply to.net 3.5 sp1 rich clients EF4 POCO support adds many options Completely separate business objects from DAL Serialize business objects to Silverlight,.Net 2.0, … Additional flexibility in business logic and testability Model-first enables generating DB Code-only removes need for separate metadata and mapping info
More Resources Code EF: EF FAQ: ASP.Net MVC: Docs Sample: T4 Templates: Blogs Mine: EF Design: ADO.Net Team:
Related Content Breakout Sessions DAT308 Design Patterns for Application Architecture with the ADO.NET EF DTL05-INT Surprise! It's the Entity Framework Gotchas DTL312 The ADO.NET Entity Framework: Tips and Tricks Birds of a Feather BOF21 Solving the Unforeseen Challenges of the ADO.NET Entity Framework: How Can.NET Developers Get Better Prepared? BOF65 Implementing the Entity Framework in an n-Tier World Hands-on Labs DTL20-HOL Application Development with the ADO.NET Entity Framework in the Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0
Track Resources Visit the DPR TLC for a chance to win a copy of Visual Studio Team Suite. Daily drawing occurs every day in the TLC at 4:15pm. Stop by for a raffle ticket us/products/teamsystem/default.mspx Please visit us in the TLC blue area
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