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Request that co-workers follow-up and complete what employee has forgotten to do or is not able to do, and allow employee to choose according to their capacity at the time, whether they are able to answer the phone or not. What accommodation would be reasonable? Requesting that a co-worker assist as a reminder, and ask all other staff members to refrain from causing interruption or noise while employee is trying to work. Requesting for additional training time, written job tasks instructions, daily checklists, and allowing one hour each day to be off the phones to complete job tasks. An employee with Bipolar disorder has difficulty with short-term memory and concentration. The employee works as a secretary in a busy office.
Good Effort BUT Please Try Again Providing backup coverage for an employee with Bi-Polar disorder for times that they need extra breaks may be one possible accommodation, however, making another employee responsible for what their co- worker has forgotten or was not able to do is not a reasonable accommodation.
Come on… You can do it! Attempting to change the culture of a workplace by asking that all employees change their behaviors to accommodate one employee is not likely to be the best accommodation for this situation. Providing a private office or work space enclosure may provide this employee the privacy they need to improve concentration.
Great Job! You’re on the right track if you chose this answer! These are all common, reasonable accommodations provided to someone who has bi-polar disorder. To find out more about this disorder from the Job Accommodation Network, click herehere Thank you From “DPN NAME”, your Disability Program Navigator “INSERT PHONE NUMBER AND TTY” “ ADDRESS” 30-Second DPN Trainings are a National Disability Program Navigator collaborative effort. Please contact your local DPN to add a friend or colleague to this list.