Lisa Sandt Director of Planning & Economic Development Lee-Russell Council of Governments (LRCOG)
Regional planning agency Serve Lee and Russell Counties Regional Population: 180,669 Area: 1,267 square miles Programs in Aging and Planning and Economic Development
Services Demand Response Contract FY08 Ridership: 56,501 Buses: 26 Drivers: 12 (FT) and 6 (PT)
Services Fixed Route Paratransit Contract FY08 Ridership: 35,586 Buses: 8 Drivers: 4(FT) and 1 (PT)
Activities in the following planning elements: Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery
Developed and updated Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans Prepared and administered Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs Implemented homeland security and man- made hazard assessments
Transit is incorporated into the Emergency Operation Plan – ESF #1: Transportation Involvement of staff in emergency management training Participation in emergency management exercises Development and maintenance of a Transit Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan
Activated and stationed at the Emergency Operation Center during disasters Provided transportation to shelters for carless and special need populations Hurricane Ivan Hurricane Dennis Entered into a contract with local hospital to provide emergency evacuation services
Returned evacuees to their homes after the disasters Provided transportation to Hurricane Katrina evacuees in temporary housing Participated in Lee County’s Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters
Cultivate an on-going relationship with local EMAs Distribute a “Transit Staff Emergency Call Down List” to EMAs Develop an “Employee Volunteer Emergency Phone List” and have a Plan B Develop a “Public Information Campaign” for distribution to media and first responders
Know the condition and capacity of your system. Set service parameters with local EMAs. Go into response & recovery efforts with eyes open. Debriefing is essential for responding effectively next time.
Formalize relationship with local EMA’s Train first responders on transit vehicle operation Work with first responders to implement training opportunities Continue participation in exercises, training, and planning activities