OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION CLAIMS My name is Al Jenkins, I am the Claims Supervisor of the Transportation Unit for the Office of Risk Management. My contact information: Phone #: Fax #: or
THE ORM TRANSPORTATION STAFF Mindy Brown - Liability Adjuster (225) Susan Davis – Liability Adjuster (225) Jason Evans – APD Adjuster (225)
The ORM Transportation Unit handles the following types of claims: Automobile-liability and physical damage Marine vessels over 20 feet-liability and hull
Automobile liability and physical damage coverage The following vehicles are covered under our policy: 1. State owned vehicles used for State business. 2. Vehicles rented and/or leased- used for State business.
Proof of insurance for State vehicles On our website: Two letters at this website as follows: 1. From: J. S. Thompson, Jr. 2. From: Ray C. Dawson. You should place copies of both letters in the State vehicle. See attachment #: 1
Reimbursement of the collision deductible up to $ or If the auto has no collision deductible, we will pay up to a maximum of $ per collision loss. If the other party/carrier pays your damages in full then ORM will not make any payment
The ORM Automobile policy does not cover comprehensive claims. See attachment #: 2
The registered owner’s insurance coverage is primary on all accidents (liability and physical damage). The insurance follows the vehicle in the State of Louisiana. The State’s insurance is excess on liability coverage only if the employee is within scope and permission at the time of an accident.
INFORMATION NEEDED TO PROCESS A TRANSPORTATION CLAIM Complete the DA 2041 form. Fax or ed to Al Jenkins within 48 hours after the accident. Mail original (hard copy) of DA 2041 to ORM along with a copy of the police crash report.
DA 2041 form for reporting Auto accidents to ORM This form is on our website: The lines are numbered on this form. It is important that you complete the following numbers: 1-15, 18-25, 30-37,39-42 and Please fax or this form to (225) attn. Al Jenkins. See attachment #: 3
DA 2041
All claims on State owned vehicles and/or rented /leased vehicles being used on State business. Employee’s reimbursement collision claims. (write “PERSONAL”) in place of State vehicle information.
Section 10 - Describe how the accident happened. Please do not write; “See attached/attachment”. Write description on DA 2041 and if additional space is needed, attach a supplemental sheet. Please do not omit information from Section 10.
“NO PAY,NO PLAY” (law effective on 9/6/1998) 1. See notice #: 99-6 for further details. 2. No State agency and/or their employee is authorized to make any statements to the effect that the State will pay for damages. See attachment #: 4
PHYSICAL DAMAGE : FIRST PARTY CLAIMS (Part I) These are the claims on State owned vehicles and/or a rented/leased vehicle being used on State business. Claims are reported on the DA 2041 to the Transportation Unit. (Al Jenkins) The claim is assigned to an adjuster
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: FIRST PARTY CLAIMS (PART II) The adjuster will review the DA 2041 for damages to the vehicle. If the damages appear to be minor, then the adjuster will send a letter asking the agency if they wish to make a claim. If so, then the agency can send in two repair estimates and a copy of the police report to this adjuster. See attachment #: 5
PHYSICAL DAMAGE: FIRST PARTY CLAIMS (PART III) If the vehicle is not drivable, ORM will hire an appraiser to inspect the vehicle. If the vehicle is repairable, then the adjuster will send a copy to the agency. If not, the adjuster will advise the agency that the vehicle is deemed a total loss.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE SUPPLEMENTAL DAMAGES If there are supplemental damages after the vehicle is disassembled, then the repairer will contact ORM and/or the appraiser. These additional damages must be agreed upon before they will be paid by ORM. All damages must be from the accident. Any old damages will be deducted.
PHYSICAL DAMAGE PAYMENT/SETTLEMENT If the State vehicle is repairable, then ORM will receive the final invoice and check it for correctness and pay the claim as follows: Amount of final invoice=$ Less: deductible Payment amount $
AUTOMOBILE PHYSICAL DAMAGE TOTAL LOSS See the attached new total loss letter for State vehicles deemed as a total loss. The agency will send all needed paperwork directly to LPAA on all total losses. ORM will subtract the high salvage bid and the agency will receive the salvage proceeds from LPAA after the sale of the salvage. See attachment #: 6
SUBROGATION If the other party (adverse party) is liable 100% for the accident, then we will turn this matter over to the our Subrogation Unit to recover the money. It is imperative that all agencies cooperate by sending in their claims and having their vehicles repaired in a timely manner. The prescription period for recovery is one year from the date of loss.
Attached is a copy of these guidelines dated May 29, If your agency is capable of doing repairs as outlined in this guide, please contact me before you start repairing your State vehicles. ORM may choose to inspect your facility and gather some information on your employees who will be doing these repairs. See attachment #: 7
The agency will forward the completed DA2041 form to ORM by fax or . The Supervisor will assign the claim to an adjuster. The adjuster will verify whether the claimant has liability insurance at the time of the accident. The adjuster will send out a form letter to the claimant(s). If any injuries are involved, then ORM will assign the claim to an independent adjuster to handle.
Attached are two questionnaires sent out by ORM on these types of claims to the agencies. 1. Form #: T-1 is for State vehicles (not sweepers) 2. Form #: T-2 is for State sweepers only. See attachment numbers: 8 and 9
WET MARINE AND AIRCRAFT CLAIMS Please call me at and we can discuss these coverages.
LAWSUITS If an agency and /or employee receives a lawsuit on an automobile accident, they should forward it to Al Jenkins as soon as possible.
AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: THIRD PARTY CLAIMS The ORM adjuster will review the claim and decide whether there is any liability on our driver. If so, then the damages will be paid based on the percentage of liability on our driver. If no liability, then the claim will be denied.
INSURANCE INFORMAITON NOTICES Attached are the notices relating to licensed automobiles. Please see your handouts.
CHANGE OF ORM’S MAILING ADDRESS See notice #: (effective 2/1/2004) Office of Risk Management P. O. Box Baton Rouge, LA See attachment #: 10
NEW DEDUCTIBLES EFFECTIVE ON 11/1/2002 The deductibles are as follows: 1. Collision-$ per occurrence. 2. Comprehensive-$ (includes all windshield claims) per occurrence. See notice #: for further details. See attachment #: 11
REDUCTION OF AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY LIMIT Employee not on State business at time of an accident. Limits: 10/20/10. See notice #: See attachment #: 12
RENTED MOTOR VEHICLE AND/OR COURTESY VEHICLES 1. Rented Motor Vehicles 2. Courtesy Vehicles See notice #: See attachment #: 13
INSPECTION OF RENTAL VEHICLES See notice #: 97-2 Need to inspect all rental vehicles before and after using them for any damages. You will need to show the rental agency person any damages to the vehicles so he/she can make a notation on the rental agreement. See attachment #: 14
TOWING OF STATE VEHICLES See notice #: Please avoid towing the State vehicle to a wrecker yard where storage fees will be charged. If possible, tow the vehicle to your office premises. Please list the location of the state vehicle on the DA 2041 and the phone number of a contact person. See attachment #: 15