P- Card Training South Seattle Community College October 11, 2007
Why are we here? Increase in per transaction limit Review P-Card Policies & Procedures Sign new P-Card User Agreement
P-Card Is intended to promote purchasing efficiency, flexibility, & convenience Each employee using P-Card must ensure that purchases comply with ALL applicable laws, rules, and regulations
Good News!!! Limit for single transaction $1,500 (including tax & shipping)
P-Card may not be used to: Make personal purchases Purchase materials & services from friends and family members Make purchases between state agencies Purchase small & attractive assets Pay for cell phone and cell phone services Pay for employee travel expenses (lodging, meals, car rental)
Approving Manager is Responsible For: Designating card custodians Delegating authority to card custodians to release card to authorized employees (FT or PT permanent employees only) Maintaining a list of authorized card custodians Ensuring timely reconciliation and chargeback Taking appropriate action when s/he suspects a fraudulent use of P-Card
P-Card Custodian Responsibilities: Use P-Card in accordance with agency policies & procedures Release P-Card to authorized agency employees Maintain user agreements Maintain P-Card transaction log Keep P-Card in secure locked place Be ready for an audit at any time
P-Card Custodian Responsibilities: Report lost or stolen cards to the Business Office Reconcile online monthly statement to P- Card transaction log Process timely chargeback Notify the approving manager promptly of any known or suspected inappropriate use of P-Card
P-Card User is Responsible: Read and sign SSCC User Agreement Fill out Card Authorization form Obtain signed approval of supervisor or budget administrator Timely return of card with original receipts or order confirmation Notify card custodian immediately if card is lost or stolen
Warning!!! Copying the P-Card number and expiration date for reference or for future use is not allowed.
Internal Audit P-Card log (date, user, vendor, time) Transaction limit Authorized users Unauthorized charges Purchase of Small & Attractive assets Purchase of IT related goods or services Purchase of food* Reconciliation & chargeback
Questions Thank you!