5. Hohokam 10. colonization 11. Iroquois Confederation 19. Puritans 20. House of Burgesses 21. Quakers 23.. John Smith 24. Wm. Penn 25. John Winthrop 26. Roger Williams 27. Anne Hutchinson 28. farming 29, ship building, trade, small towns small farms, religious freedom plantations, cash crops – rice, indigo, tobacco 30. French-Indian war 31. Albany Plan 32. tax the colonists; Quartering Act 33. Sugar Act 34. stamp Act 35. Boston Tea Party 38. independence, GB, Thomas Paine 39. T. Jefferson 40. Lexington & Concord 41. Washington 42. King George III 45. Saratoga
46. Yorktown 47. Articles of Confederation 48. fix the articles 49. Marbury v Madison 50. Great Compromise 51. 3/5 Compromise 52. approve 53. Bill of Rights terms, cabinet 55. pro-industry, national bank 56. Jefferson 57. Federalist Papers 59. federalists 60. anti-federalists 60. Madison 61. Hamilton 63. Marshall 65. nullification 66. New Orleans, Mississippi 67. Free trade, impressment of sailors 68. GB & US 70. nationalism 71. Monroe Doctrine 72. spoils system 73. vote for him 75. Trail of Tears, Jackson deified the Supreme court 77. industrialization 78. textiles 79. unrbanization 82. cotton gin, slaves
85. Louisiana Territory $ from France Northwest Territory – treaty from GB Florida – treaty from Spain Texas – TX fought Mexico to be independent, annexed to US Mexican Cession – war w/Mexico Gadsden Purchase – RR thru the south, $ to Mexico Oregon – treaty with GB Alaska - $ form Russia 85. Missouri 86. Compromise of popular sovereignty 88. abolitionist 89. Garrison 90. Fredrick Douglass 91. John Brown 92. KS – NE Act 92. bleeding Kansas 93. Dred Scott 96. more factories, more people, more $, more RR 97. better generals, motivated to keep their way of life. 98. Emancipation Proclamation, political 100. Lincoln 101. Davis 102. Gettysburg 104. Vicksburg 105. Grant 106. Boothe 107. Johnson 108. Reconstruction 109. President’s
110. Congress or Radical Republicans impeachment 115. Compromise of KKK 117. Jim Crow/black codes 120. Chief Joseph 122. Little Big Horn 123. Wounded Knee 124. reservations 125. assimilation/Americanization 127. Dawes Act 128 miners & ranchers 130. transcontinental