Early Industries and Inventions. The Industrial Revolution  Industrial Revolution- the economic changes of the late 1700s, when manufacturing replaced.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Industries and Inventions

The Industrial Revolution  Industrial Revolution- the economic changes of the late 1700s, when manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work.

Factories Rise in New England  Samuel Slater- builder of the first water powered textile mill in America  Factory system- method of production using many workers and machines in one building

The Lowell Mills Hire Women Lowell Mills- textile mills located in the factory town of Lowell, Massachusetts.

New Manufacturing Methods Spread  Interchangeable parts- speed up production, made repairs easy, and was easier to produce by less skilled workers.

New Inventions Improve Life- Transportation and Communication  Robert Fulton- inventor of America’s first widely successful steamboat

Transportation and Communication Continued:  Peter Cooper- builder of America’s first successful steam-powered locomotive

Transportation and Communication Continued:  Samuel F.B. Morse- inventor of the telegraph

Technology Improves Farming  Threshing machine- a device that separates kernels of wheat from their husks  Mechanical reaper- a device that cuts grains

 How did the War of 1812 cause economic changes in the United States?  How did interchangeable parts transform the manufacturing process?

The Cotton Boom  Cotton gin- machine that made cleaning seeds from cotton faster  Eli Whitney- inventor of the cotton gin

Southern Support for Slavery

African Americans in the South

Slave Rebellions  Nat Turner- leader of an 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia

A Common Culture  Spirituals- religious folk songs  Religion was a cornerstone of African American culture in the South.

 How did the rise in cotton production affect slavery?  What was family life like for enslaved people?

The American System  Henry Clay- nationalist Representative from Kentucky  American System- plan introduced in 1815 to make American economically self- sufficient  Protective tariff- a tax on imported goods, that protects a nation’s businesses from foreign competition

The Era of Good Feelings  James Monroe- fifth president of the United States, who proclaimed the Monroe Doctrine

Transportation Links Cites  Erie Canal- waterway that connected New York City with Buffalo, New York

Sectional Interests  Sectionalism- loyalty to the interests of one’s own region or section of the country

The Missouri Compromise  Missouri Compromise- laws enacted in 1820 to maintain balance of power between slave and free states.

Settling Boundary Issues  Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817 limited each sides naval forces on the Great Lakes.  49 th parallel as the U.S. and Canada border

The Monroe Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine- U.S. policy opposing European interference in the Western Hemisphere

 How did the Erie Canal help the nation to grow?  How did the Missouri Compromise attempt to resolve a conflict between the North and the South?