CHAPTER 10 Staffing and Human Resource Management Andrew J. DuBrin Essentials of Management, 6/e South-Western College Publishing Copyright © 2003 Screen graphics created by: Jana F. Kuzmicki, PhD, Christian Brothers University
PP T 10.1 After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1 Describe the components of organizational staffing. 2 Be aware of the legal aspects of staffing. 3 Explain the importance of strategic human resource planning. 4 Present an overview of recruitment and selection. 5 Present an overview of employee orientation, training, and development. 6 Explain the basics of a fair and reliable method of evaluating employee performance. 7 Summarize the basics of employee compensation.
PP T Adapted from Exhibit 10.1 Selection Human Resources Planning Performance Appraisal Compensation Recruitment Awareness of Legal Aspects of Staffing Orientation, Training, and Development The Organization Staffing Model 10.2
PP T 1. Determine future needs 2. Determine future turnover 3. Recruit, hire, or layoff as necessary 4. Offer training and development Steps Involved in Strategic Human Resources Planning 10.3
PP T Recruitment Purposes and Sources u Finding employees who fit well into the culture of the company u Selling the company to quality candidates Purposes Include... u Present employees u Referrals by present employees u External sources, such as advertising and placement offices u Online recruiting Sources Include
PP T Getting Hired: A Model for Selection Applicant is Recruited Preliminary Screening Interview Completion of Application Form Psychological and Personnel Testing Physical Examination Reference Checking Job Interview Adapted from Exhibit
PP T Why might discussing the following topics with a job applicant be a violation of anti-discrimination laws? Gender Religion Handicap Criminal record Race Marital status Number/ ages of children Medical problems 10.6
PP T 360 o Feedback Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Yourself Your Peers or Team Members feedback You Other Managers Your Customers 10.7
PP T Usually Mandatory u Social security u Workers’ compensation u Unemployment compensation u Group life insurance u Retirement pensions u Paid vacations Optional but Frequently Offered u Disability insurance u Paid sick leave u Health insurance u Employee assistance program u Paid rest breaks u Tuition assistance Optional but Less Frequently Offered u Wellness programs u Credit unions u Funeral leave u Vision-care plans u Parental leave u Retirement counseling Designing the “Right” Package of Benefits Adapted from Exhibit