Norwegian Social Research Inclusive corporate culture and employment of persons with disabilities: analysis of CSR strategies of multinational enterprises in Norway and the UK Yuliya Kuznetsova PhD student/ Marie Curie DREAM Research Fellow Disability Rights Expanding Accessible Markets (DREAM) Project NOVA – Norwegian Social Research Institute /
Norwegian Social Research How do large companies comply with new social responsibility norms towards employing PwDs and how do they incorporate these CSR strategies into corporate culture? Paper objective Conduct overview how MNEs embed their CSR strategies into ‘inclusive corporate culture’ to address persons with disabilities (PwD) among their workforce and in communities where they operate Research methodology 1. Meetings with employers’ organizations in Norway and the UK 2. Selection of the MNEs represented both in Norway and the UK actively implementing social responsibility and inclusive corporate policies towards persons with disabilities 3. Analysis of information presented on these companies websites and in CSR reports
Norwegian Social Research Traditionally, CSR has been defined as the corporation’s responsibility to comply with the laws and responsibilities to its shareholders Interconnectedness and interdependence of business and society CSR
Norwegian Social Research Problems/Background 1. ‘Medical model’ and segregated forms of employment of PwD 2. Discrimination and negative attitudes and prejudices 3. Low employment rates of PwDs in the mainstream labour market 4. Changes from redistributive to regulatory anti-discrimination policies
Norwegian Social Research Factors influencing the company CSR to address and promote inclusion of PwDs into the workforce Company CSR Labour market policies (ALMP towards inclusion of pwds) CSR guidelines, non- discrimination legislation and recognition of PwDs human rights (including the right to employment) Expansion of companies: global and multicultural environment (PwDs as a ‘social minority and ‘human diversity’) ‘Social model’ and social inclusion (disability organizations and society at large) Image, competitive advantage, trust-based relationships
Norwegian Social Research Embedding CSR into company corporate culture CSR Employment of persons with disabilities Corporate culture Inclusive corporate culture Artefacts (visible): architecture, behavior, climate Inclusive working environment: accommodation, accessibility, attitute ‘Espoused values’: strategies, goals, philosophies, policies Senior and middle management involvement; proactive recruitment and retention policies ‘Underlying shared (tacit) assumptions’: unspoken values, norms, beliefs, perceptions Work culture: equal treatment, support, cooperation, attentive to needs, coworkers attitudes
Norwegian Social Research Companies selection: Employers’ organizations Qualitative content analysis of the CSR annual reports and information represented on the selected companies website: 1)organization norms, values, beliefs; 2) HR policies, such as hiring, selection, accommodation and retention; 3) working environment in relation to providing support, accessibility, flexible work arrangements, and positive attitude.
Norwegian Social Research Conclusion 1. Mainly all the selected MNEs address disability in organizational norms and values as presented in their CSR strategies 2. Incorporating disability in the recruitment process seems to be a challenge 3. Inclusive working environment: high level of integration, support, involvement and development for employees with disabilities and high sensitive to the needs of such employees
Norwegian Social Research The common features for those MNEs that have the highest rate as including disability in their CSR strategies: 1)embracing disability as a part of their overall organizations norms and involving senior leadership and management; 2) articulating clearly disability issue in recruitment, workplace accommodation as well as caring about advancement opportunities of such employees and retention of those who becomes disabled at the workplace; 3) providing inclusive, accessible and supportive work environment for persons with disabilities through equal treatment, flexibility, personalized management style, sensitivity to the employees’ needs, focus on workers’ performance and abilities, employees awareness trainings as well as addressing disabled customers. Including disability into CSR strategies and embedding into corporate culture:
Norwegian Social Research Thank you!