Instruction Guides for David Howell’s Textbook Examples Boxplots and Stem-and-Leaf Plots Sign Test using the Binomial Distribution
Boxplots and Stem-and-Leaf Plots in SPSS This example uses the Table 2.7 dataset in David Howell (2007)
Analyze > Descriptives > Explore Move the variable of interest (days) into the Dependent List window. Under Display, click the Both radio button. Click on Plots…. Then, under Boxplots, click the Factor levels together radio button, and under Descriptive, check the Stem-and-Leaf box (you can also obtain a histogram by checking the Histogram button). Click Continue, then click OK. Note: Unlike the example given in the book, the dataset used here does not have any missing data. Return to Index
Computing a Sign Test in SPSS This example uses the Table 5.3 dataset in David Howell (2007)
Analyze > Nonparametric Tests > 2 Related Samples. Move the variables Begin and End into the Test Pair(s) List window. Then check the Sign box. Next, click on Options and select Descriptives. Click Continue and then OK. Return to Index