Introduction to PROGRESS Community programme for Employment and Social Solidarity 2007-2013 Finn Ola Jølstad Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to PROGRESS Community programme for Employment and Social Solidarity Finn Ola Jølstad Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

2 Building a social Europe The EU can play its role in building a social Europe through: Legislation Agree with Member States common EU objectives Provide additional financial support Facilitate cooperation and dialogue with key actors

3 The open method of co-ordination A new working method. Management by objectives. Limited EU competence in the employment and social fields Main responsibility lies with the Member States The Lisbon strategy (The Growth and Jobs – strategy) based on the open method of co-ordination. Agreement on the EU-level on policy objectives. National responsibility for implementation. Key elements: subsidiarity, convergence, management by objectives, country surveillance, integrated approach.

4 Progress – funding programme A catalyst for change. Support to the Member States in meeting their commitments or converging towards EU objectives through: –Proposing EU strategies –Implementing and following-up of EU objectives and their translation into national policies –Transposing and following up of the application of EU-legislation –Promoting co-operation and co-ordination between Member States and with civil society organisations

5 Progress Five policy sections. Replacing four previous community programmes and broadening the scope: Employment Linked to the European Employment Strategy Social inclusion and social protection Linked to the strategy to combat social exclusion etc. Working conditions Labour law, restructuring, strategy on health and safety at work Anti-discrimination Principle of non-discrimination and mainstreaming into all EU-policies Gender equality Principle of gender equality and mainstreaming into all EU-policies

6 Progress – general objectives To improve the knowledge and understanding of Member states situation through analysis, evaluation and close monitoring of policies To support the development of statistical tools, methods and common indicators To support and monitor the implementation of Community law and policy objectives in the Member States to assess their effectiveness and impact To promote networking/mutual learning, identification and dissemination of good practice and innovative approaches at the EU-level To enhance the awareness of stakeholders and the general public about the EU policies and objectives To boost the capacity of key EU networks to promote and further develop EU policy and objectives

7 Progress – types of activities Analytical activities –Data/statistics; common indicators; studies; impact assessments Mutual learning, Awareness and Dissemination –Good practices, Peer Reviews, media campaigns and events Support to main actors –Support to key EU networks; working groups, training seminars; experts’ networks; EU level observatories; etc.

8 Progress – types of funding Progress – total financial envelope : € 743 mill (between € 83 mill and € 120 mill per year over the period) Direct subsidies (The Commission supports the work of others) –Subdelegation to EUROSTAT –Spontaneous subsidies (Commission decisions) Calls for tenders (The Commission is buying services) –Studies, research –Framework contracts Calls for proposals (The Commission co-finances projects) –Promoting networking and mutual learning –Identification and dissemination of good practices –Awareness raising projects

9 Progress – participation of Norway Norway is not member of the EU and does thus not take part in the political co-operation of setting common objectives at the EU-level. The EU policy shaping is nevertheless of importance for Norway. With the basis in the EEA-agreement, Norway can take part in programmes underpinning the common policy. Financial contribution to Progress from Norway: approximately 130 mill NOK over the 7-year period. Actors/organisations from Norway and other EFTA/EEA- countries can take part in the activities financed by progress on an equal basis as the Member States.

10 PROGRESS – examples of calls for proposals Restricted Call for Proposals VP/2007/015 - "Innovative projects related to Employment Services - Projects aiming at improving matching of labour market needs through the modernisation and strengthening of labour market institutions, notably Employment Services“ Open Call for Proposals VP/2007/013 - "Establishment of 3-year partnerships with Eu-level networks active in the field of combating social exclusion and discrimination, promoting gender equality and the integration of disabled people and representing roma people" Open Call for Proposals VP/2007/008 - "Follow-up and dissemination activities to the Mutual Learning Programme of the European Employment Strategy“ 3. Objectives - identification and exchange of good practice in a transnational context 4. Priority areas for co-operation - … incl…Attracting more people to enter and remain on the labour market: making work a real option for all (Inclusive labour markets (disadvantaged groups, activation strategies etc.) 5. Types of activities and exchange 6. Eligibility criteria - Public authorities or agencies / Non-profit organisations in a partnership with public authorities or agencies/ Social partners organisations. Projects should involve a stable partnership among core organisations based in at least three Member States, so as the transnational character is ensured.