Excerpt from “Understanding Sin Today” by Richard M. Gula, SS Sin: to be disconnected from God through the failure to love. Text, pp. 41-51; Leader’s Guide pp. 15-16
In the Past: SIN understood for centuries as being a crime, a transgression of the law and the breaking of a rule. (legal model of sin) Text, pp. 41-43
In the Past: SIN But laws cannot cover all the decisions we have to make - it doesn’t address our attitudes, intentions, and ways of seeing things. Text, pp. 41-43
In the Past: SIN Leaves out conversion: a change of heart with the intention of following God more faithfully. Centered on one’s self. Sin affects me and my salvation. Text, pp. 41-43
Sin’s “New Look” Responsibility replaces obligation Dignity of person emphasized Sin’s “New Look” Relational Model: Value of sharing life in society Text, pp. 43-46
Sin’s Root Sense To be disconnected from God by a failure to love An omission: a failure to do what ought to be done. Text, pp. 43-46
Sin’s Root Sense Loving choices are selfless and based on the needs of others Text, pp. 43-46
Sin’s Root Sense Because loving God & loving neighbor are “all tied together” sin will always be expressed in & through relationships. Text, pp. 43-46
“Types of Sin” Original Sin Social Sin Actual Sin Mortal Venial Text, pp. 46-50 Harcourt Student Text: Ch. 5, pp. 80-99; Manual pp. 65-71 Case Studies Workbook #5A-5C, application pp. 17-20
Doctrine of Original Sin There is more evil in the world than that which we cause ourselves. The face of sin which we recognize as the condition of evil into which we are born. Text, p. 46
Doctrine of Original Sin A condition of being human that makes us feel as if our freedom were bound by chains from the very beginning We feel the effects of this evil in the pull towards selfishness which alienates us from our deepest selves, from others, from God. Text, p. 46
Doctrine of Original Sin Because of original sin, we will always know struggle & tragedy as part of our lives. Text, p. 46
Social Sin: A Life of Its Own Human-made structures that offend human dignity by causing people to suffer oppression, exploitation or marginalization Text, pp. 47-48
A Life of Their Own We learn to live in a world with social structures & presume that the social customs which they hold in place are good, traditional customs. Once established, social structures & systems seem to take on a life of their own. Text, pp. 47-48
This is What Makes Social Sin So Difficult to Recognize & Change Conversion from social sin: change own lifestyle, in word & action examining regulations that affect human dignity Text, pp. 47-48
Actual Sin We All Know It - Personal Sin An expression of the person in relationship, not simply as disobedience to the law 2 Kinds: Mortal & Venial Text, pp. 48-50
Mortal sin: Radical NO to God & Others Serious break in a relationship of love with God, neighbor, world, & self Refusal to live in positive, life-giving way Text, pp. 49-50
3 Conditions of Mortal Sin 1 pertains to the action Serious matter 2 pertain to the person Sufficient reflection Full consent of the will Text, pp. 49-50
Venial sin: Failing to Show Care for Others Immoral acts of less importance than mortal sins Can weigh us down with “the anchor of bad habits” Submerged in self-interest Inconsistent with value to be for life & love Text, p. 50
God is Merciful God does not want us to be weighed down with a distorted sense of guilt & responsibility. We are called to participate more fully in the creative power of God calling us to reconciliation, to reconnect with our best selves, with others, with the world & with God. Text, pp. 50-51
Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation opportunity & invitation to heal the brokenness in our lives & set our relationships right Text, p. 51
DEFINITIONS Obligation: a duty Vocation: a calling to serve God; purpose in life Church: the people of God; followers of Jesus across time & space Decalogue: “10 Words” – 10 Commandments Text pp. 33&36&39
DEFINITIONS Covenant: a formal agreement between God & the people, with mutual responsibilities Conversion: a change of heart with the intention of following God more faithfully Text pp. 40&43
SPELLING actual conversion covenant Decalogue dialogue merciful mortal
SPELLING obligation omission original penance pilgrimage reconciliation relativism sacrament sin social venial vocation
Ch. 2 Test - Morality Matching T/F Multiple Choice 1. 6. 11. 15. 21. 1. 6. 11. 15. 21. 2. 7. 12. 16. 22. 3. 8. 13. 17. 23. 4. 9. 14. 18. 24. 5. 10. 19. 25. 20.
Sentence Structure Always being there for them.