UNIT 6. Phonological and orthographic awareness in English as a foreign language Sound-letter relationship (orthographic awareness) training
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / chance chance change change check check child child choice choice china china chapter chapter chop chop List 1
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / chance chance change change check check child child choice choice china china chapter chapter chop chop List 1
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / When you hear the /t / sound at the beginning of a word you usually spell it with the letters ‘ch’. When you hear the /t / sound at the beginning of a word you usually spell it with the letters ‘ch’. Rule 1
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / witch witch scratch scratch sketch sketch stitch stitch Dutch Dutch match match List 2
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / witch witch scratch scratch sketch sketch stitch stitch Dutch Dutch match match List 2
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / Write ‘-tch’ at the end of a single-syllable word, preceded by one vowel letter: -atch, -etch, -itch, -otch, -utch. Write ‘-tch’ at the end of a single-syllable word, preceded by one vowel letter: -atch, -etch, -itch, -otch, -utch. Rule 2
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / beach beach each each reach reach speech speech teach teach touch touch bench bench lunch lunch march march List 3
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / beach beach each each reach reach speech speech teach teach touch touch bench bench lunch lunch march march List 3
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / Write ‘ch’ at the end of a single-syllable word preceded by a consonant or two vowel letters. Write ‘ch’ at the end of a single-syllable word preceded by a consonant or two vowel letters. Rule 3
Project-Number: LLP PL-COMENIUS-CMP Grant agreement number: / Spelling the /t / sound at the beginning of a word with the letters ‘ch’ and at the end of a single-syllable word with the letters ‘tch’ or ‘ch’ This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.