SAIBT Foundations of Health: Library workshop July 2011
Learning Outcomes Library website and TopicLaunch Formulate suitable search strategies Find quality web resources Find relevant resources using Summon Find relevant resources using databases
Library web site Assignment help Library home page>Learn>Assignment help>Division of Health Sciences
Books Students – 14 days, 20 items All may be renewed Keep track of loans through My record Demerit points & fees High Demand Collection 4 hour, 4 day Texts & required readings Use Student ID card for borrowing and photocopying Borrowing
Develop a search plan To search effectively, prepare a strategy that will give you the most relevant results 1.Break the topic into concepts (or parts) 2.Choose the key words from each concept 3.Think of alternative words or spellings 4.Use truncation or wildcards – to automatically find different endings and spelling of words 5.Combine concepts
Essay question Question 5 Good communication within members of the health industry is vital to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. Choose one aspect of communication (e.g. written, oral, group) and comment on how this skill needs to be adapted by practitioners when dealing with different clients to help ensure the best outcomes. Choose one client group and reflect on potential issues that may arise if there was a breakdown in good communication
Search plan Essay topic: communication Concept 1 – aspect of communication AND Concept 2 –practitioner AND Concept 3- client group
Alternative words Concept 1: –Verbal communication or oral communication Concept 2: –Nursing or midwifery Concept 3: –diabetics
Connectors verbal communication OR oral communication communication AND nursing
Truncation & Wildcards Truncation symbols e.g. prevent* finds prevent, prevents, prevention, prevented, preventative Wildcards e.g. globali?ation finds globalisation, globalization
Web resources /Search engines Health on the Net – icon indicates a trustworthy health related web site Try the Advanced search if available Evaluate web sites for scholarship and accuracy Scirus – medical topics Google/Google Scholar – Library home page
Summon Find: A book, journal, thesis, conference proceedings, dvd etc by title A journal article by its title Information on a topic
Journals Issued at regular intervals (e.g. weekly, monthly, etc) Consist of a collection of articles, just as books consist of chapters Can also be called serials, magazines, and periodicals May be electronic, in print, or available in either format
Up to date – current information on the latest research findings, new developments in a field More likely to find information on very specialised topics Sometimes the only source of information Why are journals important?
Peer–reviewed journals What is a peer-reviewed journal? Some academic journals require articles submitted to the journal to be evaluated by experts in the discipline. Journals that do this are called peer reviewed or refereed journals. Library guide: How to find peer reviewed journal articles – Library home page>Learn>How to
Databases Academic search Premier Informit health (Australian information) Ovid platform – AMED, Embase, Medline
Managing references Referencing –Referencing, or citing, is the practice of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in assignments. Correct referencing is essential in order to avoid plagiarism What is reference management software? –Reference (or bibliographic) management software is designed to help you gather, manage, and store all types of references, as well as create in-text citations, reference lists and bibliographies in your documents Why should I use it?
More help TopicLaunch – Health Assignment help – Foundations of health Use the online help within search engines,Summon, catalogue, and databases