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In order to become a good speller, you need to understand the POSITION of sounds in words. Different spelling rules apply!
What are your initials? Write your initials. What are the letters in the INITIAL position of these words? Write them! Paine Intermediate School Trussville, Alabama
What are the letters in the FINAL position of these words? School, teach, library, math, language NOW! Focus on the SOUNDS…what SOUND do you hear in the final position of the words above? Say each word and repeat the FINAL sound.
Say the word….medial. Medial sounds like middle, but it does NOT mean the exact middle. All sounds or letters between the initial and final position are in the MEDIAL position. school, beach, desk, drink, library
Spelling BEGINS with sound. You hear the sounds in a word and match those sounds to letters to spell the words. Spelling rules are based on: Consonant vs. vowel sounds Long vs. short vowel sounds Voiced vs. unvoiced sounds Initial, Medial, Final position of sounds in words
Initial (I)Medial (M)Final (F) Quickly divide your paper into three columns. Label each column as above (I) (M) (F). Repeat each word you hear. Write the letter for the sound. Examples: Write the letter for the sound in the medial position of _______. Write the letter for the sound in the final position of _______. Write the letter for the sound in the initial position of ______.