Towards water security and climate resilience in support of national development Water, Climate and Developement June 2, Bonn-Germany Alex Simalabwi
Key Question...? How can water be integrated in climate change strategies?
Some Perspective Water is ‘NOT’ about Climate change!
Some Perspective Water is about Development
Biodiversity, tourism
Climate Change threatens Development The big picture
Getting it all wrong? Focusing on getting water into climate change strategies is a ‘wrong diagnosis’
Focusing on getting ‘water’ into climate change strategies may be okay…but not good enough What happens when the climate change strategy is not addressing govt development priorities?
What is key? Understand govt development priorities Strengthen water in development planning and decision making processes in support of government development priorities
Climate change Population growth Urbanisation Food Big ticket items to changing the water discourse Need to adresss all these issues in bigger developement perspective
What needs to be done
Target development planners and decision makers at all levels Develop sound economic arguments why ignoring water is dangerous
Beyond COP 15 dialogues in Africa and China- 3 main reccomendations 1.Integrate water security and climate change into development planning and decision making processes at all levels 2.Develop institutional, stakeholder capacity and partnerships to integrate water security and climate change in development and decision making processes.. Build resilience, reduce fragmentation 3.Mobilise finance and develop financing strategies for water security and adaptation to climate change
Political process … …… remember COP 15 Technical process …… engage in the technical processes of climate change 2 Track Process to make it happen
Get the COP people, Water people, development people … talking Final Word
These people ‘live’ in 3 different worlds and this needs to change before we see the change we desire Global Water Partners hip COP People Global Water Partners hip water People Global Water Partners hip Developement people
Details on the outcome of the Dialogues in Africa and China to be continued in a Side Event on June pm