Dark matter forms a giant sea, enclosing the milky way. The earth and solar system like a small fish, swimming in it. Dark Matter particle has a small probability hitting the atomic nuclei (<1time/100kg day ), producing atomic recoil , Direct detection of dark matter is to detect the Signals produced by this type of atomic recoil.
Phonon Electron Photon
Semi-Conductor ( Ge , Si ) Electric current and heat Low -T ( 0.02K )、 high-cost , hard to scale Crystal ( NaI , CsI ) light Hard to rule out background Noble gas-liquid (Xe , Ar ) Light and electrons Good to distinguish signals , ton scale
We are on the verge of discovery! Dark Matter Rush!
Can detect both light and electron : light : through PMT electrons : strong electric field+ gas phase Large target : large target has self-shielding effects Large atomic mass Cross section is proportional to the square of A Can be purified easily Is complementary to the semi-conductor tech
10kg Xe Gran Sasso
Upgrade of XENON10 Lower background than XENON10 by 100 times , background event / kg day kev Can discriminate gamma and nucear recoil by 99.5% Continuous running since jan 2011
Started in 2009 Major Institutions Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai Inst. of applied physics Shangdong University Peking University University of Michigan University of Maryland
JinPing Hydropower plant has four water-passage tunnels of 13m diameters, two traffic tunnels of 6m diamters. Length of the tunnel, 17km Maximum depth 2400m ( wm).
Cooling Bus Shield Xe Storage