SPAIN’S EMPIRE DECLINES (Page 2) CAUSES EFFECTS Inflation and unfair taxes hurt the poor Spain’s economy declines Protestant revolt in the Netherlands 1579 – United Provinces of the Netherlands is formed English navy was equipped with better weapons, gunners, and battle tactics 1588 – Spanish Armada is defeated; Spanish tried to invade and punish Protestants in England Guilds sold goods much cheaper in France, Holland (Netherlands), and England Spaniards bought goods from these countries, so Spain’s wealth went to their enemies Spain borrowed money from Germany and Italy to finance wars King Philip II had to declare bankruptcy 3 times
THE REIGN OF LOUIS XIV (Page 5) YEARS IMPORTANT EVENTS IN FRANCE 1562-1598 Religious wars between Catholics and Protestants 1643 Louis XIV became king of France at the age of 5 1598 Edict of Nantes – Huguenots (French Protestants) were allowed to live in peace and build churches 1700-1713 War of the Spanish Succession – France and Spain tried to unite thrones, so other European countries formed an alliance and fought them
CENTRAL EUROPEAN MONARCHS CLASH (Page 9) YEARS KEY EVENTS IN CENTRAL EUROPE 1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War – conflict over religion, territory, and power among Europe’s ruling families 1756-1763 Seven Years’ War – Britain and Prussia fought Austria, France, and Russia; French and Indian War was part of this conflict 1740 Frederick the Great of Prussia invaded part of Maria Theresa of Austria’s territory and claimed it
PETER THE GREAT OF RUSSIA (Page 14) TYPE OF CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF PETER THE GREAT’S CHANGES Political Increased the power of the czar (Russian ruler) Social Raised women’s status by having them attend social functions Cultural Ordered nobles to give up traditional clothes for Western fashions Economic Established the warm-water port of St. Petersburg which gave Russia better trading opportunities with the West
PARLIAMENT LIMITS THE ENGLISH MONARCHY (Page 18) YEARS KEY CHANGES IN THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT 1642 English Civil War begins 1649 Charles I is executed for treason and Oliver Cromwell becomes military dictator 1660 Charles II becomes king of England after Cromwell dies (Restoration) 1688 Glorious Revolution – bloodless overthrow of King James II 1689 English Bill of Rights – guaranteed basic civil liberties