Colonial Wars of Contact and Empire HIST-262
Some Important Terms War War Aims Strategy Tactics Logistics
English Roots Why England? Template for later policy Wide-scale settlement Traditions Militia, citizen soldiery, amateurism
Colonial Warfare Continual Fighting occurred 97 out of 179 years Not including times of preparation and recovery Two Types: Contact and Settlement Wars Imperial Wars
English settlement Jamestown, 1607 New England, s John Smith, Miles Standish
Colonial Militias and Tactics Social aspects Limited Part-time force Defensive Fortifications
Native Encounters The Tidewater Wars 1st Tidewater War, nd, 1640s
New England
The Pequot War Metacom’s War
Later Colonial Wars Tuscarora/Yamasee Wars Lord Dunmore’s War Pontiac’s Rebellion
Wars for Empire Role of Colonists Militia Volunteer Units Role of Native Tribes Roles of Britain, France, Spain
17th Century Conflicts The Anglo-Dutch Wars 1st: nd: rd: Largely naval Impact on America
17th Century Conflicts King William’s War The Schenectady Massacre (1690) The Candlemas Massacre (1692)
18th Century Conflicts Queen Anne’s War British vs. France & Spain King George’s War Heavy colonial involvement, losses Effect of peace settlement
The French & Indian War Colonial beginnings World-wide after 1756 Early Phases Braddock’s Defeat Failure at Ticonderoga
The French and Indian War William Pitt’s war efforts More British regulars Offensives Battle of Quebec
Impact of Colonial War Effect on settlement New/rebuilt communities The 1763 Proclamation Line Effect on Native/white relations Captivity narratives Women’s role Imperial Relations