Comparing the Troops
METHOD OF FIGHTING Used Native American Style guerilla tactics. AMERICAN COLONISTS (MILITIA)
MILITARY ORGANIZATION Colonial militias served under their own captains/commanders. AMERICAN COLONISTS (MILITIA)
MILITARY DISCIPLINE Did not follow traditional military rules or show respect to these traditions. Lacked discipline. AMERICAN COLONISTS (MILITIA)
ATTITUDE Militia soldiers were casual and non-professional AMERICAN COLONISTS (MILITIA)
METHOD OF FIGHTING Marched and fought in organized formations. BRITISH REGULARS (REDCOATS)
MILITARY ORGANIZATION Highly organized British officers wanted to take command of the militias BRITISH REGULARS (REDCOATS)
MILITARY DISCIPLINE Highly disciplined Drilled often (practiced) BRITISH REGULARS (REDCOATS)
ATTITUDE Very arrogant (snobbish) British officers would have personal aides to do things for them (serving tea, polishing boots, etc.) BRITISH REGULARS (REDCOATS)