Very important: understanding the Young adult education(YAE) in a perspective on life long learning improving it with the political, social and cultural rights But balances noticed weak policies, inequity between urban and rural people, it is not systemic, insufficient financial resources, juxtaposition of agreements and programs. And the success or failure of YAE transcends the education system, and it is important the gap between vision and speech, facing political, economic, cultural and environmental issues in a world in crisis.
Proposal of the United Nations Decade of Literacy - UNLD. Development Strategy 2008 – 2012 We have also seen a very important report called: "The Global Challenge of Literacy”. This report suggests that literacy is "Literacy for All.“, and identifies factors that have limited the progress, which in turn are challenges to be met by the States, if they really want to make the changes reported and get to 2012 reaching the goals. This document states: Low priority No clear political literacy Poor coordination and lack of association Lack of information Low Quality Lack monitoring and evaluation Inadequate financial resources
Following the steps of Paulo Freire For Freire, YAE is associated with processes that allow access to political, economic and cultural rights, affecting or modifying the way in which power is distributed in society. We have to recuperate this vision because we are afraid of methods that pretend that learning is in short time. The perspective is a life long learning. Popular Education has provided a deep perspective, focusing on the values of justice and equality, in which human, technical and political capacities are developed, to fight for societies that ensure decent living in sustainable environments and democratic coexistence with respect for diversity and human rights.
Literacy Agenda and Adult Education To advocate for the right to education, CEAAL work together with the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education, which is also part of the World Social Forum of the Americas to contribute to the strengthening of a social, political, cultural and educational movement in the perspective of "another world possible." CEAAL, CLADE and ICAE have manifested the urgency for governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to put greater emphasis on design and implementation of policies and action plans aimed at literacy and the YAE, because it is a perverse expression of injustice in the region. Within YAE there is no progress
Considerations CEAAL and a big social networks preparing CONFITEA VI considered: Make a change from a compensatory vision vs. human rights vision: YAE is not a remedial education and has to be financed. It Is necessary to pass from a marginal education policies, to education for all and lifelong learning education, specially women. We need a legal structure for the governance of adult education in our countries. Adult learning should be recognized as the key achievement for all MDGS. Quality has to be included, and urban and rural areas have to be both attended with equality.
It Is important the quality of teaching and teacher training: There is no specific training for YAE in many countries of the region. Governments have to attend young people and migration because they are excluded from the policies. Violence and war situations increases exclusion. Is important to recuperate a strong idea about basic education, for all formal and not formal education. Learning societies and local and regional spaces are important.
THE SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Empowering for incidence in educational policies: Life long learning combining the tradition of Popular Education means that is necessary that the people has to be part of social and educational practices with social movements as a transformation horizon
As civil society, responsible to monitoring how polices and programs are build and develop. They must be built on cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, overcoming disparities in the interests of human society with equal opportunities for all, aiming for men and women to live as productive, creative, caring human beings, taking care of the planet, with critical thinking, so that we can build a universal human community of welfare, peace, joy, democracy and solidarity.