The Jeffersonian Era Jefferson American President The Pirate Issue Lewis and Clark.


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Presentation transcript:

The Jeffersonian Era Jefferson American President The Pirate Issue Lewis and Clark

The Election of 1800  Jefferson wins the 1800 election because Hamilton supports him over Aaron Burr  The election of 1800 is the first time people actually are addressed by the candidates  The art of political campaigning is introduced

Jefferson Smeared?! “God-and a religious president; or… Jefferson and no God!!!” “If Jefferson were elected …guillotines would appear in the squares of major cities, and the privileged classes could expect the worse!”

Jefferson as President  He allows the Alien and Sedition Acts to expire  He keeps the National Bank and supports protective tariffs on foreign goods

Jefferson and the Judiciary  Before Adams leaves office he appoints 16 Federalists to judgeships  Jefferson seeks to remove the judges because most did not receive signed orders to become judges. Jefferson is really trying to remove Federalist’s influence from government

John Marshall  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 34 years who was a self taught lawyer  Strengthens the idea of federalism through his court rulings and rules that “the Constitution is the supreme law of the land”  He despises his cousin Thomas Jefferson

Marbury v. Madison  Marbury wants to keep his nomination and appeals to the Supreme Court to keep his job  Marbury v. Madison introduces the idea of “judicial review”  Judicial review states that the Supreme Court can decide if a law is constitutional (legal) or unconstitutional(illegal)

The Barbary Pirates, 1801  Pirates from North Africa are terrorizing nations that sail in the Mediterranean Sea  Jefferson refuses to pay a tribute to the pirates and sends a naval force to deal with them  The pirates are not defeated but agree to a treaty with Jefferson

The Louisiana Purchase, 1803  Jefferson acquires the Louisiana Territory from France because Napoleon needs money for the war with Britain  The Louisiana Purchase, 1803 doubles the size of the United States

The Louisiana Purchase 1803

Lewis and Clark, 1804  Jefferson sends a Corps of Discovery expedition under Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory  They start in St. Louis in 1804 and reach the Pacific Coast in 1806  They encounter the Rocky Mountains, gather information on the area and establish relations with various Indian tribes

Lewis and Clark on the Missouri River

The Corps of Discovery

Sacagawea and the Indian Peoples