C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Brent Shanks Director, CBiRC Why Biobased Chemicals?
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals
Refinery Products
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicalsPetrochemicals Benzene Xylene Ethylene Propylene Methanol Toluene C 4 ’s
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Ethylene and Derivatives 6% α-Olefins 52% Polyethylene 17% Ethylene98% Vinylchloride98% Polyvinyl chloride dichloride 13% Ethylene58% Ethylene glycol30% Antifreeze oxide12% Ethoxylates60% Polyethylene 10% Ethanolamines terephthalate 7% Ethyl99% Styene62% Polystyrene benzene11% Rubbers/Elastomers 12% Vinyl acetate Ethylene
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicalsProduction Dow, Mark Jones, 2011
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicalsChemicals
Biobased Chemicals Status
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Pathways to Biorenewables Carbohydrates PyruvateAcetyl CoA Ethanol Lactate Amino Acid Metabolism Fatty Acid Metabolism Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Sorbitol SuccinateKeto Acids Array of Chains, Branches, Rings Furans
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Biobased Chemicals New Ring Pyrones 3-keto Fatty Acids Fatty Acids Ethers/Esters 3-en-2-ones
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Array of Opportunities
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals CBiRC BiomassIntermediatesPlastics, Resins, etc.Fatty AcidsSugarsUsesVision
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Participating Institutions Abo Akademi University (Finland) Fritz Haber Institute (Germany) Technical University of Denmark Technische Universiteit (Netherlands)
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Biobased Chemicals
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Triacetic Acid Lactone Platform
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Coumalate Platform
C enter for B iorenewable C hemicals Thank you