Chapter 51 Recognizing Expenditures in Governmental Funds
Chapter 52 Learning Objectives Modified accrual basis Full accrual basis Accounting for different expenditures Types of interfund activities and how they are reported Other Financing Sources and Uses
Chapter 53 Modified Accrual Accounting Criteria : Measurable and Available Measurable : Government is able to determine or reasonably estimate the amount. Available : Collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period.
Chapter 54 Expenditures & Expenses Expenditures (measure of fund liabilities liquidated with current resources) -Modified accrual basis--Governmental funds -Are decreases in net current financial resources Expenses (measure of costs expired or consumed during a period) -Full accrual basis--Government-wide Statements -Reduction in net economic resources
Chapter 55 Expenditures Expenditures are closely tied to cash flows and near-cash flows Governmental funds report only current liabilities and not long-term liabilities. A government recognizes expenditures when it pays cash for goods and services received or accrues a liability.
Chapter 56 Expenditure Definition and Recognition Definition - Decreases in Fund Net Assets NOT resulting from Transfers (and refunding transactions) NORM – Recognize when FUND Liability is incurred Exceptions : --Debt Service Expenditures on GLTD – When Legally Due --Either Purchases or Consumption Basis for Materials, Supplies, and Prepaid Items --Pensions, Claims and Judgments, Compensated Absences – When Payable from Available Expendable Financial Resources --Capital Leases – on Substance vs. Form Basis
Chapter 57 GAAP GASB Codification, paragraphs through The Codification asserts that the “accrual basis is the superior method of accounting for the economic resources of any organization,” and states that the “use of the accrual basis to the fullest extent practicable is recommended.”
Chapter 58 Salaries and Wages May be earned in one fiscal year but paid in the next. Should be recognized in the period in which it is earned provided the government’s obligation will be liquidated with expendable available financial resources.
Chapter 59 Payroll accounting is similar for a governmental fund and a for-profit entity, except Expenditures rather than Expenses are recorded. Example: Wages and related benefits of employees for the last pay period in December 2006 were $40 million. Employees are to be paid on January 6, The fiscal year ends December 31. General Fund DR CR Wages and benefits expenditures $40 Accrued wages payable 40 Government-wide: same. Salaries and Wages (Payroll)
Chapter 510 Debit Expenditures for the full amount of payroll and credit liabilities for withholdings from employees pay; credit Cash for the amount paid to employees. Example: Timbaktu City recognized its payroll for the most recent two week pay period for employees paid from the General Fund. GF General Journal Dr. Cr. Expenditures ,000 Due to Federal Gov’t 86,000 Due to State Gov’t 49,000 Cash 713,000 The Subsidiary Ledger provides the details of the total expenditure as follows: General Government 178,000 Public Safety 480,000 Public Works 290,000 Payroll (cont’d)
Chapter 511 Record Expenditures for the employer’s payroll costs, including employer’s share of FICA and credit a liability to federal government. Encumbrances usually are not recorded for recurring expenditures such as payroll. The employer’s share of FICA is recorded. GF General JournalDr. Cr. Expenditures $188,000 Due to Federal Gov’t 188,000 Expenditures Subsidiary Ledger: Contributions for Retirement 188,000 Payroll (cont’d)
Chapter 512 Governments Vs. Business 7 Major differences between the application of accrual method in governmental funds and business: Compensated absences Pension accounting Claims and Judgments Inventory accounting Prepayments Accounting for capital assets Accounting for interest and principal
Chapter 513 Compensated Absences (CA) They are earned in one period but often not paid until several periods later. Therefore, its not current. Amount of compensation to be paid is not always certain. It is based on the salary/wage rate in effect when the time off is taken. GASB states that vacation leave and compensated absences should be accrued as a liability as the benefits are earned if BOTH the following conditions are met: -Attributable to services already rendered and -Probable that compensation will occur (paid time off or other means)
Chapter 514 Compensated Absences: (Cont’d) Vacation pay expenditures and related fund liabilities should be recognized in the periods in which they are due. Until those periods, those liabilities are reported ONLY in the schedule of long-term obligations. Example: City employees earned $300,000 in vacation leave they did not take in The leave vests and can be taken at any time up to retirement. Government-wide : DR CR Vacation pay expenditure $300,000 Accrued vacation payable300,000
Chapter 515 Vacation Leave Example: City employees earn $8 million in vacation leave. Of this amount, they are paid $6 million in 2007 and defer the balance until future years. Governmental fundDRCR Vacation pay expenditure $6 Cash (or Wages Payable) $6 The $2 million deferred until future periods should be reported in a schedule of long-term obligations. Government-wide statementsDRCR Vacation Pay expense$8 Cash (or Wages Payable)$6 Accrued Vacation Pay$2
Chapter 516 Sick Leave Beyond the control of both the employee and the employer. GASB states that sick leave is recognized as a liability only if it is probable that the employer will compensate the employees for the benefits through cash payments conditioned on the employees’ termination or retirement. It should be recorded ONLY when expected to be paid to employees upon their resignation or retirement.
Chapter 517 Example-Sick Leave Example: City employees earned $170,000 in sick leave but were only paid for $140,000. The leave accumulates but does not vest. Governmental fund DR CR Sick leave expenditure $140,000 Cash $140,000 The city will not have to compensate employees for leave not taken as a termination benefit. It should charge as an expenditure only the amount that was liquidated with expendable financial resources. It need not report a liability even in the schedule of long-term obligations. Government-wide: Same rules apply. But only the $140,000 paid needs to be charged as an expense.
Chapter 518 Sick Leave (cont’d) Example: A city pays for its employees’ unused sick leave up to thirty days only if they terminate at least after 10 years of service. In 2007, the city had the following estimates: - Sick leave earned = $12 mil; Payments to future employees = $8mil -Payments to 10-year employees upon termination = $1mil -Amount that will not be paid = $3mil Governmental fund: No entry is required. The city recognizes a liability only for the $1 million to be paid in termination benefits. Assuming that those termination benefits are not paid in the current year, it is recognized in the schedule of long-term obligations Government-wide:DRCR Sick leave termination benefit expense$1 Accrued Sick Leave$1
Chapter 519 Sabbatical Leave After a specified term of service, employees may be granted a paid leave. They are offered to benefit both the employee and the employer in the future, not the past. The employees are required to perform other activities that will enhance their job-related abilities during their time off. GASB states that the accounting for sabbatical leave depends on the purpose of the leave. During the leave, if the employees are required to engage in activities to enhance their job-related skills, then it should be accounted for in the period the leave is taken. Instead, if the leave is for “compensated unrestricted time off,” then the liability is accrued during the period the leave is earned.
Chapter 520 Sabbatical Leave- Example City teachers are entitled to sabbatical leaves of six months every 7 years for research and renewal. The 2007 share of leave costs to be taken in the future was $300,000. Sabbatical leaves need not be recognized as a liability unless the leave is a reward for past service (i.e. it is for unrestricted time off). It need not be accrued if it constitutes merely a change in assigned duties (e.g.) research instead of teaching). Government-wide: same.
Chapter 521 Pensions Definition: Amount of money paid to retired or disabled employees. If the Government makes the required contribution to the pensions in full, then the amount to be recorded would be the amount of contribution. According to GASB, the expenditure should be the amount that will be liquidated with expendable available financial resources.
Chapter 522 Pensions - Example According to city actuaries, employees earned $370,000 in pensions. However, the city had budgeted only $300,000. During the year it contributed to its pension fund $250,000 and plans to contribute an additional $50,000 in early Jan General Fund DR CR Pension expenditure $300,000 Cash$250,000 Current obligation to Pension fund$50,000 Government-wide: The entire $370,000 earned by employees would be charged as an expense.
Chapter 523 Pensions - Example A city is estimated to contribute $55 million to its pension fund. However, it elects to contribute only $45 million. Governmental fund: DRCR Pension expenditure$45 Cash (or current pension liability)$45 Government-wide: DRCR Pension expense$55 Cash/Current pension liability$45 Pension liability$10
Chapter 524 Claims and Judgments (CJ) Common examples: Injuries to employees Negligence of government employees Contractual disputes with suppliers Employment practices
Chapter 525 Claims and Judgments (CJ) GASB Std. #10, Claims and Judgements, para. 53. (also FASB Std. # 5) Liability accrued if: -Probable that Asset Impaired/Liability Incurred by Balance Sheet date -Loss can be reasonably estimated Expenditure recognized in the governmental fund only for the portion of liability that is: -Normally to be Liquidated with Available Expendable Financial Resources -Liability recorded at “face value.” Balance of liability is in GLTDAG – -No expenditure recognized -Expense is recognized in the government-wide statements at the time the loss liability first satisfies the FASB No. 5 criteria.
Chapter 526 Claims and Judgments -Example The city settled a judgment brought against it by an injured employee. The city agreed to pay $6 million in 2005 and $4 million in each of the next five years. General Fund: DR CR Expenditures $6 Claims payable $6 Government-wide: Assuming discount rate of 6% and 5 payments at the end of the following five years. DR CR Expenses $22.8 Claims payable (current) $ 6.0 Claims payable (long-term) 16.8
Chapter 527 Are not expendable available financial resources Unlike businesses, governments do not acquire inventories with the intention to resell them. Instead, they use it to carry out day-to-day operations. Two Primary issues pertaining to governmental fund are: -Timing of the expenditure -Reporting of the asset Two methods of accounting -Consumption Method -Purchases Method Under each method we assume that periodic rather than perpetual inventory accounts are maintained; All purchases are debited to Expenditures and that the Inventory of Supplies account is updated at year-end as an adjusting entry. Materials and Supplies
Chapter 528 Consumption Method. Assume the following data: Beginning inventory$ 20,000 Purchases during year150,000 Available for use170,000 Ending inventory (15,000) Amount consumed$155,000 Adjusting Journal Entries: Dr. Cr. Expenditures--2007$5,000 Inventory of Supplies 5,000 Reserve for Inventory of Supplies5,000 Fund Balance 5,000 Materials and Supplies (cont’d)
Chapter 529 Purchases Method. Assuming the same data : Beginning inventory$ 20,000 Purchases during year150,000 Available for use170,000 Ending inventory (15,000) Amount consumed$155,000 Adjusting Journal Entries: Dr. Cr. Reserve for Inventory of Supplies$5,000 Inventory of Supplies 5,000 (Note that the Expenditures account is not affected by the adjusting entry) Materials and Supplies (cont’d)
Chapter 530 Materials and Supplies (cont’d) Government-wide statements: Should be reported on a consumption basis. Supplies expense rather than supplies expenditure would be debited. No need for inventory reserve.
Chapter 531 Materials and Supplies – Add. Examples In 2007 the City ordered supplies that cost $4 million, received supplies that cost $3.5 million, paid for supplies that cost $3 million and used supplies that cost $3.3 million. Common Entries: Dr. Cr. Encumbrances$4 Reserve for encumbrances $4 Reserve for encumbrances $3.5 Encumbrances $3.5 Accounts Payable$3 Cash $3
Chapter 532 Example (cont’d) Purchases method:DRCR Supplies expenditure$3.5 Accounts Payable$3.5 Supplies inventory$0.2 Fund balance$0.2 Consumption method: Inventory $3.5 Accounts payable$3.5 Supplies expenditures$3.3 Inventory$3.3 Fund balance (unrestricted) $0.2 Fund balance (reserved)$0.2 Government-wide: Must use consumption method.
Chapter 533 Prepayments GASB standards: Either purchases or consumption method can be used. But in the government-wide statements, only consumption method may be used. Expenditures for insurance and similar services extending over more than one accounting period need not be allocated between or among accounting periods. GASB does not distinguish between current and long-term prepayments.
Chapter 534 Prepayments -Example On June 15, 2007 the city acquired and paid for an insurance policy that cost $300,000. The policy covers the one-year period beginning July 1. Purchases method: DR CR Insurance expenditure$300 Cash$300 Consumption method: Prepaid insurance$150 Insurance expenditure 150 Cash$300 Government-wide: Must use consumption method.
Chapter 535 Capital Assets Provide services in periods beyond those in which they are acquired. Government funds account for capital assets in the same way as businesses. GASB standards: -General capital assets – are not specifically related to activities that are reported in proprietary or fiduciary funds. -General capital assets are neither reported on governmental fund balance sheets nor depreciated on governmental fund statements of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance. -Governments reports general capital assets in the period requiring the outflow of expendable available financial resources.
Chapter 536 Capital Assets - Example The city acquired a computer at a cost of $3 million, and paid in cash. It has a useful life of three years. General Fund: DR CR Expenditure-acquisition of capital assets$3 Cash$3 Government-wide: Would capitalize and depreciate
Chapter 537 Capital Assets - Example It acquired the same computer, issuing a 3 year, 6%, installment note for the purchase price. During the year it paid the first installment of $1,122,330 (interest=$180,000, principal=$942,330). General Fund: Expenditures- -acquisition of capital assets $3 mil Other financing sources $3 mil Expenditures-debt service $180k Cash$180k Expenditures-debt service (principal)$942,330 Cash$942,330 Government-wide: would capitalize and depreciate
Chapter 538 General Government Leases Capital Lease Vs. Operating Lease Classify leases per FASB 13 Operating leases -Lessor remains the owner of the property. -Typically Recorded as Expenditures in Period Paid or Accrued Capital leases -Equivalent of a purchase-borrow transaction. -Lessee (the party that will use the property) becomes the owner. -Lessee treats the lease as a purchase. -Periodic payments are made plus interest. Capital leases -- at inception: -Expenditures = Capitalizable Cost of Leased Asset -Other Financing Source = Capitalizable Cost Less Initial Down Payment -Also – Capital Lease Liability in GLTDAG Leased Asset in CFAAG Capital leases – subsequent payments: -In Substance – Are Debt Service Expenditures on GLTD -Also – Reduce Lease Liability by Principal Reduction
Chapter 539 Leases - Example The City leased a computer, which has a fair market value of $3 million and an estimated useful life of three years. The lease cannot be canceled. The lease payment for 2005 was $1,122,330 (interest of $180,000 and principal of $942,330). General Fund: Expenditures – acquisition of capital assets$3,000,000 Other financing sources – capital leases$3,000,000 Expenditures – lease interest$ 180,000 Cash$ 180,000 Expenditures – lease principal$ 942,330 Cash$ 942,330 Government-wide: Would capitalize and depreciate
Chapter 540 Assume a grant of $100,000 is received at the beginning of the fiscal year from the federal government to operate a counseling program for troubled youths. Until eligibility requirements for the grant have been met” by incurring expenditures for the intended purpose, as an “exchange transaction” it is reported as “Deferred Revenue”--a liability. The entry in the special revenue fund is: Dr. Cr. Cash $100,000 Deferred Revenue 100,000 Operating Grants
Chapter 541 Assume that during the year the Counseling Program expended $75,000 for costs related to youth counseling, thus meeting eligibility requirement to expend grant resources, the entries would be: Dr. Cr. Expenditures $75,000 Vouchers Payable 75,000 Deferred Revenues $75,000 Revenues 75,000 (This amount would also be recorded in the Revenue detail account in the Revenue subsidiary ledger.) Operating Grants (cont’d)
Chapter 542 Interest and Principal on Long-term Debt Interest: Major expenditure for many governments. Source of payments are either general revenues or revenues dedicated for debt service revenues. The government transfers cash from general fund as payments are made. Example: In July, the city issued $100 million in 8% general obligation debt to finance capital improvements. The first interest payment of $4 million is due in early January General Fund: No entry required. Government-wide: Must accrue. Interest expense$4 Accrued interest payable$4
Chapter 543 Interest and Principal on Long-term Debt (cont’d) Long-term debt: Are recorded in schedule of long-term obligations. If a principal repayment extends beyond a fiscal year, expenditures are recognized entirely in the year the payments are due. Example: The city issued $10 million of 20-year deep discount bonds to finance a capital project. The bonds were sold to yield 8%, at a price of $2.145 million. Interest applicable to 2007 was $171,600. General fund: No expenditure needs to be reported. Government-wide: Would accrue.
Chapter 544 Interest and Principal on Long-Term Debt GASB: In governmental funds, neither interest nor principal is accrued in advance of the year in which it is due. But it should be accrued only in the period in which they are due. Exception: If resources to service the debt are transferred from another governmental fund, then the expenditure and the liability may be (not required to be) recognized in the debt service fund. Government-wide statements: LT debt must be reported at face value plus or minus any unamortized premiums or discounts. Interest must be accrued. Timings of cash payments is irrelevant to the period in which the expense is recognized.
Chapter 545 Nonexchange Expenditures GASB: Nonexchange expenditures should generally be recognized with their revenue counterparts. Expenditure is recognized when the recipient of the grant has satisfied all eligibility requirements. GASB standards are applicable to both modified and full accrual statements. On the modified accrual statements, revenues must be available for expenditure before they can be recognized. Grants would be recognized as expenses in the same period in the government-wide as in the fund statements.
Chapter 546 Additional Examples Example 1: In December 2006, the city approves a $300,000 grant to a not-for profit health clinic. The funds are to be paid in 2007 out of funds budgeted for that year and are intended to support the clinic’s activities in General Fund: In as much as the clinic cannot use the funds until 2007, the grant is subject to a time requirement. The county need not recognize either a liability or an expenditure until 2007, when the time requirement is satisfied. Government-wide: Same.
Chapter 547 Examples (cont’d) Example 2: In Dec the city awards a not-for profit clinic $400,000 for the acquisition of emergency communications equipment. Payment is made at the time the award is announced. The clinic is permitted to use the funds upon receipt, but intends to use them in Purpose restrictions have no impact on the timing of either expenditure or revenue recognition. The state must recognize an expenditure as soon as it expends the funds and the county is eligible to spend them: Governmental Fund: Grant expenditure$400,000 Cash$400,000 Government-wide: Same, but expense instead of expenditure.
Chapter 548 Examples (cont’d) Example 3: In Dec. 2006, the city awards a not-for profit $200,000 for the acquisition of emergency communications equipment. The grant is to be paid as the organization incurs and documents allowable costs. In 2007 the organization submits claims for $150,000 of which the city pays $125,000. The city expects to pay the $25,000 balance of claims submitted in Jan 2008 and the $50,000 balance of the grant by June The not-for profit is eligible for the award only as it incurs and documents allowable costs. In 2007, the city became eligible for $150,000 of the grant—the amount that the state should recognize as an expenditure. General Fund: Grant expenditure$150,000 Cash$125,000 Grants payable 25,000 Government-wide: Same
Chapter 549 Interfund Transfers Two types of interfund activity: Reciprocal: Equivalent of exchange transactions Nonreciprocal: Equivalent of nonexchange transactions.
Chapter 550 Reciprocal Interfund Activity Includes: Payments for purchase of goods and services at their approximate external fair value. Loans and repayments of loans: If repayment is expected to occur within a reasonable time period, it should be accounted as a loan receivable by the lending fund and as a payable by the borrowing fund. -If it is not expected to paid within a reasonable period of time, it should be accounted as a nonreciprocal transfer-out by the disbursing fund and as a nonreciprocal transfer-in by the receiving fund.
Chapter 551 Nonreciprocal Interfund Activity Represents transfer of cash for which goods or services of equivalent value have not been received. GASB 34 statement: Interfund reimbursements should not be reported in financial statements. For instance, if the general fund paid a bill which was the responsibility of a capital project fund, it is reported only in the capital project fund (as if it paid the bill itself).
Chapter 552 Additional Examples Example 1: In December the city transferred $2 million to the debt service fund for repayment of principal on serial bonds issued several years earlier. The payment is due in January. General Fund: Nonreciprocal transfer out (debt service)$2 Cash$2 Can recognize an expenditure and a liability in the debt service fund as long as payment is due within 1 month. Cash$2 Nonreciprocal transfer in$2 Debt service expenditure$2 Debt service payable$2 Government-wide: No entry required. Payment of principal recorded as a reduction of a liability when paid.
Chapter 553 Additional Examples (cont’d) Example 2: Consistent with its budget, the city transferred $6 million to debt service fund to accumulate resources for the eventual payment of debt. General Fund: Nonreciprocal transfer out$6 Cash$6 Per s.16 of Interpretation No. 6, the city cannot recognize an expenditure. Government-wide: No entry
Chapter 554 Government-wide statements Presents revenues and expenses from the perspective of the entity as a whole and not of the individual funds. Revenues and expenditures must be eliminated in order to avoid double- counting.
Chapter 555 Other Financing Sources and Uses Types: Proceeds of long-term debt Proceeds from the sale of capital assets Present value of assets and liabilities created by capital leases Payment to bond “escrow” agents who maintain accounts for the eventual repayment of long-term obligations Nonreciprocal transfers
Chapter 556 Governmental Fund Statements Governmental fund balance sheet: presents the fund’s resources at a particular point in time. Governmental fund operating statement: presents the net change in resources during a particular point in time. All measurements are in accordance with GAAP.
Chapter 557 Summary Accrual basis recommended to the fullest extent practicable. 2 criteria must be met before revenues are recognized in governmental funds: -Resources must be Measurable and -Available Governmental fund expenditures are defined as decreases in net financial resources. Expenses are outflows or consumption of overall net assets. Nonexchange transactions in the governmental fund are accounted for symmetrically to nonexchange revenues. Grants are recognized as expenditures when all the requirements are met.
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