Induction training for new employees Welcome Aboard! Welcome Aboard! Induction training for new employees #2 - Employment Issues
Introduction This presentation concentrates on matters relating to your terms and conditions of employment
Aim The aim of this presentation is to give you a brief overview of various employment issues Further information will be provided or is available on request
Contract of employment Confirm that new personnel have received a letter confirming their appointment Discuss contents of contract Probation period Any forms required to be completed for tax office
Job descriptions Reasons for having job descriptions or role statements Employee’s copy Employer’s copy
Employee Record Describe need for record e.g. Legal requirements for taxation, social security etc. Contacting next of kin in an emergency Complete record.
Hours of work Normal start / finish times Overtime arrangements Meal and other breaks Time sheets
£ $ Y Reimbursement Rates of pay Increments / increases Expenses claims for travel on behalf of the company. How and when payment is made Discuss any special reward or bonus arrangements £ $ Y
Superannuation How employer and employee contributions work Discuss any options available Annual statements What happens on termination Provide documentation / application forms.
Annual leave Annual leave entitlements How annual leave is requested Any compulsory periods when leave must be taken
Public holidays List the public holidays that apply Any requirements for personnel to work during public holidays Additional payments for working on public holidays
Sick leave Describe any entitlements to sick leave e.g. Normal sick leave Maternity / paternity Bereavement Requirements for medical certificates
Any questions? For further information, please ask the presenter or view the following presentations: Welcome Aboard! #1 - Introduction to the company Welcome Aboard! #3 - OHS Welcome Aboard! #4 - Welfare