Back to School Night 2010 Students, Parents and Teachers Working Together
My Job Description It is my job to look at each child as an individual who needs to be taught in a way that matches their learning style. My classroom should be a place where every child feels happy, safe and respected.
Team Work Communication is key! We have a common goal! No concerns or questions should go unresolved! Please share anything which may affect your child’s school experience!
In first grade, we focus on the two pillars of caring and fairness. Throughout their time at SBS, all pillars are addressed in depth.
IMPORTANT Business of First Grade Arrival: NO earlier than 8:20, there is NO supervision before 8:20. Blacktop unless it is raining then the students will be in the lobby by the gym. Dismissal Plans: PLEASE always send a note with changes to your child’s dismissal schedule. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE ON VOICE MAIL OR E- MAIL. Folder: Check and return your child’s folder each day. Snack: It should be small and healthy. They only snack for about 10 minutes. (Allergies) Please pack separate from lunch!! WATER BOTTLES!! Lunch: If you are sending cash to buy lunch please place it in an envelope in your child’s folder. Please discuss the lunch choice with your child in advance. The school’s preference would be for you to set up an on-line lunch account. Attendance/Illness: Please help everyone by keeping sick children home and calling Mrs. Leister. Let us know WHY your child is staying home. Attendance Line: then Press 1 All medications must be administered by our nurse, Karen Leister…even cough drops. TIRED AND CRANKY!!!!
What can I do to help? Encourage and foster INDEPENDENCE. Encourage risk taking, use trial and error learning. Encourage your child to make observations and predictions. Encourage your child to be a problem solver. Help your child become resourceful and to make good choices. Remember that homework is to teach responsibility, not to challenge.
Parents and family members are welcome to come in and read a story to the class on their child’s birthday. Please contact me via to set up a good day and time for your child’s birthday book. In first grade we do NOT celebrate birthdays with food treats.
Language Arts What is Balanced Literacy?: shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, writing, and word work Word Work : phonics, spelling, mechanics, dictation Good Habits, Great Readers: shared and guided reading Words their Way: word sorts Writing Workshop : language experience, shared writing, interactive writing, guided writing, independent writing Lucy Caulkins Zaner-Bloser Handwriting **There is “no cap” on reading, highly individualized, read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, individual reading, and independent reading instruction.
Eagle Eye Look at the pictures! Look at the pictures to figure out an unknown word. Lips the fish Get your lips ready! Say the first sounds of the word outloud. Read the end of the sentence and say the sounds again. Tryin” Lion Try it again! Try to re-read the sentence. Try a word that makes sense. Skippy Frog Skip it, Skip it! Skip the word (skip it, skip it). Read the end of the sentence. “Hop back”and read it, read it. Stretchy Snake “S-t-r-e-t-c-h” it out! Stretch the word out slowly. Put the sounds together to figure out the word. Chunky Monkey Chunk the Word! Look for a “chunk” that you know (-ing, and,art,old) Look for a word part (be-, -er, etc.) Helpful Kangaroo Ask For Help! After you have tried all the other strategies ask for help.
NEW math program enVision Math Students will learn math through interactive hands-on and visual learning opportunities. Technology is a large component of the program You will receive a letter with log-in information in the next few days. Please feel free to explore the website.
Social Studies communities traditions and customs History Geography Maps Biographies cultures
Science Students learn science best by doing science!! Using inquiry based learning we will study: How to make observations and predictions Balance and Motion Changes (Solids,Liquids,Gases) Pebbles, Sand and Silt Sunshine and Shadows
Homework Handwriting- September to November Math– December to June Spelling–beginning in November Reading– October to May “Just Right” books –> 20 minutes/night *Independence is encouraged please provide parental support when necessary.*
Children may forget what you say, but they will NEVER forget how you make them feel!!