RECOGNITION We appreciate the contribution of every volunteer no matter how small. Your time motivation and support of CSSC is what keeps it running smoothly and allows us to offer such a range of activities and opportunities for our members. It is important to us that we value our volunteers. We encourage all our volunteers in key leadership roles such as Chairs or secretaries to show their appreciation in small ways with a thank you, a letter a social event or a nomination for a larger award. We also value you through offering training and expenses to allow you to undertake and develop in your role. There are however some more formal recognition awards and a special award ceremony is held each year where associations, clubs and regions have the opportunity to nominate you for specific awards these are:
Awards Certificate of Recogntion Major Awards Merit Award Scheme Regional Chairmans Award Volunteer of the Year Award Lord Turnbull Award
Certificate of Recognition Certificates of Recognition are signed by the CSSC Chief Executive and are presented to those CSSC members who have made a recognizable contribution to their local membership. Criteria - the nominee must: Have made a noteworthy difference in his or her voluntary contribution to the local CSSC membership. Be supported by at least two CSSC members. All nominations must be submitted using a nomination form and volunteers are sent a certificate around five weeks later. In the supporting documentation to this unit you will find a list of people who have been nominated for certificates and examples of the work they have done
Major Awards CSSC's major awards are given annually in recognition of outstanding achievement across CSSC by individuals, Area Associations, Sport and Recreation Bodies and Departmental Associations. These awards are an opportunity for individuals and organisations to receive recognition for their achievement during a specific year In the supporting materials you will find some case studies of people who have received major awards.
Merit Awards This award was set up in 1978 as a way of recognising highly meritorious service given by individual members to CSSC. Individuals have to be nominated by members or organisations within CSSC. The awards are solely within the discretion of the Chairman of CSSC. Criteria - the individual must have: Given highly meritorious and sustained service to CSSC in a voluntary capacity. Shown personal integrity in representing his/her association. Had a positive and distinct impact on the activities of CSSC in one or a number of roles. In the supporting materials you will find some case studies of people who have received a merit award
Regional Chairman's Award These awards are specific to each region, for example at Regional level CSSC Midlands has pioneered a Chairman's Award. This was introduced by their Chairman, Clive Dennis, to recognise CSSC members within the Region who have given valuable service to the local or Regional membership. CSSC Yorkshire has since adopted the idea. Other Regional Councils are encouraged to consider embracing this or to look at developing a recognition system or similar award within their own Region. In the supporting unit materials you will find some case studies of people who have received the Regional Chairman’s Award
Volunteer of the Year Award Throughout CSSC there are hundreds of people who happily give up their time to help make CSSC activity happen. Without them CSSC couldn't begin to offer as much as it does for members. Their contributions vary enormously and include: Helping members keep active through a CSSC Workplace Health and Fitness centre. Leading activity within a local Area Association or club Organising activity in an office or department Making all the difference within a Region Providing great opportunities though a local or national CSSC body Very few of these people expect recognition, but one thing's for sure, they certainly deserve it. That is why CSSC has introduced a Volunteer of the Year. In the supporting unit materials you will find a case study of people who have received major awards
Lord Turnbull Award This Award is designed to recognise the member who has made an outstanding contribution in a single year, assessing both their input and impact on the organisation. All CSSC volunteers are eligible for the Award. All nominees must be CSSC members. All nominations are considered by our judging panel who will select up to five national finalists to attend CSSC's annual Presentation Dinner