Presented by Titus LO 30 October 2004 The HKLA Library Education and Career Forum Certificate for School Library Assistant
Jointly offered by Caritas Francis Hsu Evening College and Hong Kong Teacher Librarians’ Association
Caritas Francis Hsu Evening College (CFHEC) Evening section of Caritas Francis Hsu College, approved post-secondary college, Centre for Advanced & Professional Studies (CAPS). Found in 1985, providing part-time para- professional certificate and diploma programmes, overseas collaborative degree programmes.
The Hong Kong Teacher-Librarians’ Association (HKTLA) Voluntary and non-profit making organisation Founded in 1982 by a group of pioneering teacher-librarians Mission: to promote school library work, organise professional and recreational activities to members…
Aims of the Programme Provides students with: The basic knowledge of school librarianship Practical skills in information management A platform for life-long professional development Certificate for School Library Assistant
Programme Structure SIX sections (130 contact hours): Introduction to School Library Services (10 hrs) User Services (30 hrs) Technical Services (50 hrs) Technology and Information Services (10 hrs) Libraries in our Community (10 hrs) Visits (5 hrs) and Practical Work (15 hrs) Certificate for School Library Assistant
Learning mode Two 3-hrs evening tutorials /week Six to Seven months duration Medium of instruction – Cantonese and English Certificate for School Library Assistant
Assessment Attendance Requirement: 80% Passed: Assignments, Examinations, and Reports (Visit and Practical Work) Certificate for School Library Assistant
Awards Attendance Certificate: only passed attendance requirements. Certificate in School Library Assistant: Passed both attendance and assessment requirements. Membership of the HKTLA Opportunities in Advanced Library Studies Certificate for School Library Assistant
Admission Requirements Completed Secondary Five with 5 passes in HKCEE including English language or equivalent Completed Secondary Five with recommendation from school management Prefer to have basic computer skills Priority to existing school library assistants Certificate for School Library Assistant
Fees Tuition fee: HK$4,200 by two installments Application fee: HK$50 Certificate for School Library Assistant
Application Procedures Completed application form Academic supporting A recent photo Non-refundable application fee To CFHEC by the deadline Certificate for School Library Assistant
Application Deadline 5 th Intake: 6 November 2004 Commencement 17 November 2004 Certificate for School Library Assistant
Enquiry Caritas Francis Hsu Evening College 11 Caine Road, Hong Kong Tel: / Website: Certificate for School Library Assistant
Q & A Thank you Certificate for School Library Assistant