Literary Devices Powerful Words Literary Elements Prefix and Suffix Keys to Success Final Jeopardy
What is the term for a word whose sound suggests its meaning? Example: Slam Literary Devices 100
Onomatopoeia Literary Devices 100
What is the term for a comparison of two things using “like” or “as?” Literary Devices 200
Simile Literary Devices 200
What is the term for a comparison of two things not using “like” or “as?” Literary Devices 300
Metaphor Literary Devices 300
What is the term for the repetition of a sound or letter at the beginning of words? Literary Devices 400
alliteratio n Literary Devices 400
What is the term for giving human qualities to an object or animal? Literary Devices 500
Personification Literary Devices 500
12 Powerful Words 100 Define the term: Compare
Tell all the ways they are alike 12 Powerful Words 100
12 Powerful Words 200 Define the term: Summarize
Give the short version 12 Powerful Words 200
If you get the answer correct, the point value for this question will be doubled!
12 Powerful Words 300 Define the term: Infer
12 Powerful Words 300 Read between the lines
12 Powerful Words 400 Define the term: Analyze
12 Powerful Words 400 Break apart
12 Powerful Words 500 Define the term: Contrast
12 Powerful Words 500 Tell all the ways they are different
Literary Elements 100 What is the problem of the story called?
Conflict Literary Elements 100
Literary Elements 200 What is the definition for “falling action?”
Literary Elements 200 The events from the climax to the resolution
Literary Elements 300 Name three different types of conflict.
Literary Elements 300 Person vs. Person, Person vs. Himself/Herself, Person vs. Nature, Person vs. Society
Literary Elements 400 What is the part of the story where the characters and setting are introduced?
Literary Elements 400 Exposition/ introduction
Literary Elements 500 What is the term for when the problem in a story is solved?
Literary Elements 500 Resolution
Affixes 100 What prefix means “before?”
Affixes 100 Pre-
Affixes 200 What prefix means “below?”
Affixes 200 Sub-
Affixes 300 What suffix means “to do in a certain manner?”
Affixes 300 -ly
Affixes 400 What two suffixes mean “one who?”
Affixes 400 -er -or
Affixes 500 What suffix means “a state or condition?”
Affixes 500 -ness or -ment
Keys to Success 100 What should you do first when you are told to begin the test?
Read the directions Keys to Success 100
What two things should you do to the multiple choice questions before you begin reading the passage? Keys to Success 200
Read the questions. Underline key words. Keys to Success 200
If you get the answer correct, the point value for this question will be doubled!
When answering the multiple choice questions, what can you do to increase your odds of getting the correct answer? Keys to Success 300
Eliminate answers you know are wrong. Keys to Success 300
Keys to Success 400 What two things should you do to the Open Ended Question before you begin reading the passage?
Keys to Success 400 Read the question. Underline key words.
Keys to Success 500 What should you do if you don’t know the answer to a multiple choice question or the OEQ?
Keys to Success 500 Go back into the passage and re-read to find the answer.
Category: General Knowledge
What do the letters PSSA stand for?
Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment