1 Interoperability of Spatial Data Sets and Services Data quality and Metadata: what is needed, what is feasible, next steps Interoperability of Spatial Data Sets and Services Data quality and Metadata: what is needed, what is feasible, next steps Robert Tomas, Katalin Toth EC-JRC INSPIRE data specification team
2 Outline 1.Legislative base 2.Current state of art – Data quality & Metadata 3.Summary of the MS’s comments 4.Discussion paper 5.Data quality workshop – INSPIRE Conference
3 Data quality in the INSPIRE directive INSPIRE Directive –Article 5(2): MD shall include information on data quality and validity of spatial data sets –Article 11(2): Network services (Discovery) shall include searching functionality on quality and validity of spatial data sets. –Article 21(2): Report on the organization of quality assurance –Article 8(3-4): Consistency and ability to compare data
4 Data quality in the INSPIRE directive INSPIRE Directive –INSPIRE does not require collection of new spatial data –Development of the Data specifications should be based on the user requirements –Cost-benefit considerations should be applied all the time Difficult to balance..
5 Data quality in the Data specification Development of the INSPIRE Data specification is based on EN ISO – Data product specifications User needs(market demand) Data product quality Developing the EU Spatial Data Infrastructure is more complex – the main use case is to make existing data available according to target specifications enabling interoperability
6 Implementing rules Commission Regulation (1205/2008) as regards Metadata Commission Decision (2009/4199) as regards monitoring and reporting Draft Commission Regulation implementing INSPIRE Directive as regards Interoperability of spatial data sets and services (Annex I Spatial data themes)
7 Current Metadata elements related to data quality INSPIRE Regulation on Metadata –MD Lineage (Statement on process history and /or overall DQ of the spatial data set) –Spatial resolution (Level of detail of the data set) General recommendations how to use some MD elements from the Draft of the Data specifications IR MD Conformity: –To report conceptual consistency with the INSPIRE data specification the Conformity metadata element should be used. The value of Conformant should be used for the Degree element only if the dataset passes all the requirements described in the abstract test suite presented in Annex A of the INSPIRE Data Specification on –Guidelines MD Lineage: –Apart from describing the process history, if feasible within a free text, the overall quality of the dataset (series) should be included in the Lineage metadata element. This statement should contain any quality information required for interoperability and/or valuable for use and evaluation of the data set (series). MD Temporal Reference: –If feasible, the date of the last revision of a spatial data set should be reported using the Date of last revision metadata element. –All updates shall be made at the latest 6 months after the change was applied in the source data set – Article 6(2)
8 Current Metadata elements related to data quality Draft IR for Interoperability of spatial data sets and services Mandatory: –Logical Consistency – Topological Consistency (Hy, TN) Optional: –Completeness – Commission (AD, AU, Hy, PS, TN) –Completeness – Omission (All) –Positional Accuracy – Absolute or external accuracy (All) –Logical Consistency – Conceptual Consistency (AD, Hy, TN) –Logical Consistency – Domain Consistency (AD, Hy, TN) –Logical Consistency – Format Consistency (TN) –Temporal accuracy – Temporal Consistency (AD) –Thematic accuracy – Non-quantitative attribute correctness (AD, Hy, TN) –Thematic accuracy – Quantitative attribute correctness (Hy) –Thematic accuracy – Thematic Classification correctness (TN) Cross-theme harmonization of the used MD elements
9 Data quality in the Guidelines Several recommendations related to data quality –Utilization of optional DQ elements (cross theme harmonization) –Specific recommendations how to use current MDQ elements (Lineage, Temporal Reference etc.) –Theme specific template for MD Lineage Statement – Cadastre Parcel TWG
10 Summary of the comments received from stakeholders In general: comments received from MSs were contradictory – difficult to reach agreement Example: Positional accuracy to be mandatory to ensure the consistency between datasets (Articles 7(4), 8(3,4)) General response: –Cost benefit considerations –Application dependency No general minimal data quality requirements in the IR – the result of the TWGs/DT/CT discussions But…
11 Data quality in the Guidelines Recommendation 6 (D2.6_V3.0) An INSPIRE data specification should not prescribe minimum data quality requirements. However, It may recommend minimum data quality requirements when justified by the user requirements. In this case the specification should introduce conformity levels to be reported with the metadata
12 Discussion paper on Data quality Main objectives: –To describe the current state of art of Data quality and metadata related to the SDI (INSPIRE). –To try to assess if an agreement could be reached among member states (if yes on what content) –To answer the following questions: What is needed? (Based on the user/community requirements) What is feasible? (Cost benefit & technology considerations) How it can be achieved? (Procedural considerations)
13 Discussion paper on Data quality In order to present the current situation and reach a European position: The discussion paper should reach all stakeholders interested in data quality The outcome of the national review should by consolidated at the country level Nomination of the INSPIRE National Data quality contact point
14 Profile of the DQ expert General knowledge about the INSPIRE (framework Data specification documents) Good overview of the national situation on DQ matters in the country Knowledge of the data quality elements and related metadata (EN ISO 19113,19114,19115, 19131, 19138, upcoming 19157) Single contact point for the member states to: coordinate internal-national discussions deliver an agreed national position
15 INSPIRE Conference Workshop on Data quality Presentation of unsolved issues Remaining issues discussions Conclusions (based on the questions) Final report on the Data quality and metadata in INSPIRE
16 Tentative timetable -Setting up an Initial group to write the first draft (done) -Nomination of the national DQ experts (mid April) -First version of the discussion paper (mid of April) -Review of the Discussion paper (end of May) -Analyses, comment resolution, highlighting the topics for the discussion at the workshop
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