CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Implement Food Safety Procedures SITXFSA001A
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Revision from Lesson 12 Any questions? What are the 3 major food safety legislation for Victoria and their years? What is a Food Safety Plan? What are 3 requirements of a Food Safety Plan?
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Lesson 13 Outline Handout: Hazard Audit Table Activity. Class Activity: a Hazard Audit Table. Slides: Hazard Audit Tables.
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V The Benefits of HACCP revision In groups discuss and present 5 benefits to the rest of the class
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V The Benefits of HACCP Systematic and scientific Identifies all conceivable hazards Pro-active and preventative Focuses resources on critical activities Internationally acknowledged Applicable throughout the food chain Compliments other quality management systems Cost effective Gives greater confidence in product safety Due diligence support
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Hazard Audit Tables Note: you must then work your way across the Table for each Hazard example. You must make sure you are specific and detailed, rather than vague. For your activity you must complete a Hazard Audit Table (refer to handout) outlining 1 of each of the 3 major food hazards (Biological, Chemical and Physical) for only 1 nominated Critical Step (CCP) and food type - on next slide.
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Hazard Audit Tables Teams 1+5Teams 2+6Teams 3+7Teams 4+8 FOOD TYPE:Chicken breast Cooked ricePork sausage Soft serve ice-cream CRITICAL STEP:ReceivingStorageCookingReceiving Class into 8 groups (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 count to mix students effectively). Hazard Column: You need 1 Microbiological, 1 Chemical & 1 Physical & 1 specific example. The rest of the columns: You MUST be detailed (not vague) and specific to your example of hazard and critical step. Note: only 1 example is needed for each example & only 1 valid record is needed in the record column (for each hazard) - either used for recording information or a record used as reference. A maximum of 30 minutes is allowed to complete this activity. You will present for 5 minutes to the rest of the class - either as a group or if you nominate at least 2 group members.
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Hazard Audit Tables FoodSafe Plus Program - Hazard Audit Table Critical Step (CCP) HAZARD ANALYSISCCP MONITORING Corrective Action Hazard (B, C & P) Preventative Measure Critical Limits Monitoring procedure & frequency Record(s) required Person Responsible (for check) ‘Step’ or CCP from a flowchart Names of the hazards that could occur specific to nominated food type What needs to be done at this ‘step’ to control the hazard What are the limits allowed for this check What is checked or measured & when do you check Where do you write the results of the check ‘Whoever is completing the task’ - name and position What the person does if the check shows the product is not within the specification e.g. -adjust the machine - find cause of problem - who gets notified Proprietor’s Signature __________________ Date of Authorisation ___ / ___ / ___ Page: ___
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Hazard Audit Tables What is a Hazard Audit Table and what is it made up of? identifies potential hazards that could occur at a CCP defines the critical limit to prevent a hazard occurring suggests preventative measures to eliminate potential hazards occurring contains all 7 principles / steps of HACCP
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V In groups: write a HACCP-based Food Safety Plan for making a ham, lettuce and tomato sandwich The ingredients to be used: ham, tomato, lettuce, sliced bread, margarine, salt and pepper. 1. Consider each ingredient and describe it by assessing if it is low or high risk, conditions/specifications upon receipt and storage conditions. 2. Consider the steps involved in making it from receipt of ingredients to serving or eating the sandwich - write a process flowchart based on this. 3. Identify the hazards (what could go wrong) at each step (CCP). 4. Consider each step and describe how the hazards can be controlled. 5. Describe how the controls will be monitored and how this will be recorded. Suggest a simple design for any recording that is to be done. 6. Explain what is to be done if control is lost at any step.
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Questions What is a Hazard Audit Table? Do you need clarification on anything? What are the 7 Principles / Steps of HACCP? Can you provide a meaning for each?
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Questions / Pop Quiz (if time permits) Mini revision session
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Questions Any questions or clarification? Any questions or clarification?
CRICOS Provider Code: 01505M RTO Number: 3045 DHS V Next week in Lesson 14 Homework: Do you have any homeworks still to complete? Have you presented your copy of the 2nd Homework Task: Food Safety Standards & & & (all with your name printed on them) to be given a C or N for that Homework task? Slides: - Mindmapping Activity. - Compare mindmaps. - ‘Walk and answer’ Activity. - Pop quiz. Note: bring colour pens / markers with you next week!