餐英報告 - 韓國館 姓名:龔吟宜 學號: 4A0M0114 班級:餐旅二乙 老師:羅尹希
stores information OPEN:AM11:30 ~ PM2:00 & PM5:00 ~ PM9:00 (every week rest at Tuesday) TEL: ADD:Chiayi City, No. 547, Zhongzheng Rd.
Tableware introduced Korean chopsticks and spoon is planiform,because Put on the table is not easy slide and is easier for serving the food.
Menu- Rice with pork mixturesin This dish tastes somethingspicy, and a lot of material,cabbage carrots and pork.
Menu- Barbecue in earthenware bowe This dish includes onion,carrot, Green pepper,mushroom and Chicken,it tasta delicious and It so satiety.
Menu- Barbecue in earthenware bowe When the meat is almostly fully cooked, pepper sauce or red chili,green chili, and garlic and then roll with the lettuce.
reflection I like the Korea's Food so much,such as spicy ricecake it Rice with pork tastes al dente and Rice with pork mixturesin taste very the delicious mixturesin taste very the delicious so that I choose the "韓國館" as my topic.
Thank you for listening.