Diagnostic/Preassessment Formative Summative THREE TYPES OF ASSESSMENT
Carried out at the beginning of a course or topic or project to aid learning Establishes background knowledge, experience, misconceptions, interests and/or learning style preferences Double purpose: (a) to help teachers in their planning and (b) to give students a preview of the work ahead Assess for: Readiness – e.g., language skills, general knowledge, cognitive skills Student Interest – areas of interest for promoting student engagement and ultimately learning by setting the emotional context Student Learning Profile – environmental elements, interactions, personal needs AND/OR intelligence preferences DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT
Standardized tests Previous unit’s test Pre-test Exit cards Graphic organizers Ask the students what they know Have the students retell something COMMON DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENTS
On-going, formal and informal Goals: Uncover students’ misconceptions Give students the chance to revise and improve their thinking, as well as to see their own progress Help teachers target areas that need to be remediated or compacted/accelerated. The formative assessment process is like a course correction for a space craft. A correction is needed and made with no penalties. Formative assessment is usually not used for grading. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT
Nonverbal clues Pretests Value lineups Retelling Think pair share Charting Key questioning Response Cards Traffic signals Thumbs Interactive writing RAFT What other ones have you used? EXAMPLES OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS
Carried out at the end of a topic, course or project Should reflect knowledge and sub-skills of each target curricular aim. Used to: (a) to determine the degree of final understanding, improvement, and level of competency of students and (b) assign students a course grade or certify their competency. What are examples? End of course tests and exams Culminating performances (a speech, musical recital, formal reading, or skill demonstration) Large scale products (portfolios, papers, independent research, exhibitions, paintings,) SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT
Ongoing (Formative) Assessment Pre-Assessment Summative Assessment Feedback and Goal Setting (Finding Out) (Keeping Track & Checking Up) (Making Sure) Pre-test Inventory KWL Checklist Observation Self-evaluation Questioning ConferenceAudition Peer evaluationPortfolio Check 3-minute pauseQuiz ObservationJournal Entry TalkaroundSelf-evaluation QuestioningDiscussion Exit Card Lab Unit Test Performance Task Product/Exhibit Demonstration Portfolio Review Essay
Beasley, J.G. (2008). Getting started in a differentiated classroom. [Powerpoint]. Retrieved from NAGC Webinars on Wednesdays: Gwinnett County Accelerated Programs and Gifted Education. (2013). Assessment. [Powerpoint]. Moon, T. R. (2009). Preassessment: Doing it and using it for instructional decision making. [Powerpoint]. Retrieved from NAGC Webinars on Wednesdays: RESOURCES