Operational Plan for UNAIDS Action Framework: Addressing Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV February 3, 2010
Background PCB endorsed the Operational Plan in December 2009 UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe communicated with HoAs, RCs and Joint Teams worldwide about this initiative We hope China will become a pilot country
Brief Overview of Operation Plan Cross-cutting Principles Issues, Recommendations, Results Examples of actions (what will be done to achieve results?) Accountability (who is doing what?) Next Steps (what can we do next?)
Six Cross-cutting Principles Human Rights Based Approach Participation Evidence- Informed and Ethical Responses Partnership Engaging Men and Boys Strong and Courageous Leadership
Three Issues Addressed by Operational Plan Issue 1: Knowing, understanding and responding to the particular and various effects of the HIV epidemic on women and girls Issue 2: Translating political commitments into scaled-up action to address the rights and needs of women and girls in the context of HIV Issue 3: An enabling environment for the fulfillment of the women and girls’ human rights and their empowerment, in the context of HIV
Issue 1: Knowing, understanding and responding to the particular and various effects of the HIV epidemic on women and girls Recommendation #1Results Jointly generate better evidence and increased understanding of the specific needs of women and girls in the context of HIV, and ensure prioritised and tailored national AIDS responses that protect and promote the rights of women and girls Quantitative and qualitative evidence on specific needs, risks of and impact on women and girls Harmonized gender equality indicators are used Evidence-informed policies, programmes and resource allocations are in place at the country level.
Issue 2: Translating political commitments into scaled-up action to address the rights and needs of women and girls in the context of HIV Recommendation #2Results Reinforce the translation of political commitments into scaled-up action and resources for policies and programmes that address the rights and needs of women and girls in the context of HIV, with the support of all relevant partners, at global, national and community level Stronger accountability from government to commit to results, for more effective AIDS responses Recognize all forms of violence against women and girls as violations of human rights Women and girls have universal access to integrated, multi-sectoral services Strengthened HIV prevention efforts for women and girls
Issue 3: An enabling environment for the fulfillment of the women and girls’ human rights and their empowerment, in the context of HIV Recommendation #3Results Champion leadership for an enabling environment that promotes and protects women and girls’ human rights and their empowerment, n the context of HIV, through increased advocacy and capacity, and adequate resources Women and girls empowered to drive transformation of social norms and power dynamics. Men and boys are engaged in the effort for gender equality Strong, bold, and diverse leadership for women, girls, and gender equality for strengthened HIV responses Increased financial resources for women, girls, and gender equality responses Gender responsive UNAIDS
Examples of Activities Issue 1: Equip and support community-based women’s groups and networks of women living with HIV to collect and use data, on how the epidemic affects women and girls, to monitor programmes to assess their human rights impact and to contribute to national data Issue 2: Facilitate the launch of “know your rights” campaigns, and support the provision of free and accessible legal aid services to enable women and girls to claim their rights. Issue 3: Advocate for government and/or country coordinating mechanisms to set quotas or targets (at least 40% of positions) for women with necessary expertise to ensure that the needs and views of women and girls are adequately reflected in the national HIV response.
Accountability Implementation –Operational Plan timeframe: January 2010 to December 2014 –Implementation by UNAIDS and UNIFEM –UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board has overall responsibility and oversight for Operational Plan implementation Monitoring and evaluation –UN interagency working group on gender equality will meet twice a year to measure progress and present a progress report to UNAIDS Program Coordinating Board and UNIFEM Consultative Committee on an Annual Basis –Report on the progress of the first six month of implementation will be presented to the UNAIDS Program Coordinating Board at its 26th meeting. –Fuller assessment of progress will be presented to the 27th meeting
Accountability continued… Country level –Monitoring will be performed by UN interagency working group on gender equality, representatives of civil society, women living with HIV, and women’s organizations –Country-level data will contribute to country UNGASS reporting, civil society shadow reports, national MDG reports, and feed into global monitoring of Operational Plan UNAIDS and UNIFEM will assess Operational Plan biennially and country and global levels, starting 2010 Independent evaluation of Operational Plan will take place at the end of the end of implementation
What UNAIDS and UNIFEM already doing on gender & HIV. What are others doing? Spousal transmission awareness and research Gender mainstreaming training throughout the Chinese Party School system, including the Central Party School and provincial party schools of Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou and Xinjiang. Gender awareness and HIV/AIDS training for ACWF staff at provincial level UNAIDS supported the establishment of the first network of women affected by AIDS launched July 2009 (members 21 organizations from 11 provinces). The Women’s Network Against AIDS launched its publication of 26 life stories written by affected women about HIV & gender inequality, stigma & discrimination. These efforts largely in line with recommendations #1 and #3 of the Operational Plan We invite other agencies to share with us their gender and HIV activities.
Potential Next Steps for the China and the Operational Plan Dialogue with civil society, including networks of women living with HIV and women’s groups, government, and development partners to identify opportunities to launch and implement Operational Plan Identify women’s organizations that are interested in taking forward specific actions in the Operational Plan in close consultation with the UN Joint Team Gender assessment and analysis of past joint activities, identify gaps and make recommendations to ensure future work plan is gender responsive What is best niche for China HIV JP in this arena of work? How to link with Global Fund Gender Equality Strategy & SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identities) Strategy to create entry points for supporting China National Plan. Let’s brainstorm …
Brainstorming Framework Operational Plan Issues / Goals HIV/AIDS Context in China UN comparative advantage in HIV & gender work
Thank You!