Session structure TimeActivity 1000Intro of session 1015Review of strategic plan 200Reporting on the results of the review (10 minutes presentation and 20 minutes discussion) 430Break 1
Session structure TimeActivity 445WFP discussion points - Guidelines for managing NNC WFP - Leveling off understanding of regional targets - Timetable of activities for Other agreements 2
Review of NNC Strat Plan 4 th Management Conference NNC Conference Room 11 December
Planning framework PPAN NNC Strat Plan NNC Budget Proposal NNC Annual WFP Strat Performance Mgt System 4
Objective At the end of the one-day session, we would have agreed on adjustments in activities in: 1.The NNC Strategic Plan – what to add, delete, modify 2.The NNC Work and Financial Plan for
Background—NNC Strategic Plan Vision Mission Core values Target groups and partners Program performance framework (OPIF) Strategic directions Activities 6
Mechanics Grouping as will be shown in a while Review the strategic directions and determine modifications to be done – Add? – Delete? – Modify? How? 7
Mechanics Review the strategic directions and determine modifications to be done – Consider bottlenecks and recommendations per PIR – Consider too if the listed activities will result to the objective of the strategic direction – Other considerations 8
Mechanics Template for reporting -- please download from nncsikat yahoo group 9
GROUPINGS 4 th Management Conference NNC Conference Room 11 December
MFO 1. Nutrition policy and program development services GROUP 1: Strengthen and expand policy and program formulation and advocacy Members: – NPPD Division Chief – NSD senior staff – NPCs 4A, 5, 7, 9, CARAGA 11
MFO 1. Nutrition policy and program development services GROUP 2: Strengthen the food and nutrition surveillance system Members: – NSD Division Chief – NPPD senior staff – NO III – Regions 2, 4A, 5, 7, 9, 12, CARAGA 12
MFO 2. Nutrition capacity building services for LGUs and other stakeholders GROUP 3: Intensify focused information communication Members: – NIED senior staff – NO III – Regions 1, CAR, 3, 4B, 6, 8, 11 13
MFO 2. Nutrition capacity building services for LGUs and other stakeholders GROUP 4: Systematize capacity development Members: – NIED Chief – NPCs – Regions 1, CAR, 4B, 6, 8, 10, NCR 14
Governance GROUP 5: Improve organization and governance Members: – AD Chief – FMD Chief – AD senior staff – FD senior staff – NPCs – Regions 2, 11, 12, ARMM 15
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of policies, standards, programs developed No. of policies issued, updated and disseminated (includes PPAN, strategic plans of programs) % of stakeholders that rate nutrition policies as satisfactory or better % of policies that are reviewed/updates in the last 3 years 18
Changes in OPIF Pre MFO 1. Nutrition Policy and Program Development Services MFO 1. Nutrition Management Policy Services MFO 2. Nutrition Capacity Building Services for LGUs and Other Stakeholders MFO 2. Technical Support Services 19
Changes in OPIF Pre A.1 General Administration and Support A.1.a General Administration and Supervision A.1.a.1 General Management and Supervision A.1.a.2 HRDA.1.b Human Resource Development 20
Changes in OPIF Pre Support to Operations (STO)STO A.II.a Public Information ServiceNone A.II.a.1 Development, production, printing, distribution and dissemination of printed and audio-visual and other technical information A.II.a.2 Conduct of, and participation in, trainings and conferences A.II.a.3 Organization and conduct of special events toward intensified nutrition advocacy 21
Changes in OPIF Pre Operations A.III.a Planning and Policy Formulation A.III.a Nutrition Policy, Plan, and Program Formulation A.III.a.1 Multi-level program formulation A.III.b Program/ Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation A.III.b.1 Operation of the nutrition management information system A.III.c Operation of the nutrition management information system 22
Changes in OPIF Pre Operations A.III.b.2 Provision of logistics support to local nutrition programs A.III.c Maintenance and Operation of Regional Offices A.III.c.1 Program/ Project coordination at the regional level 23
Changes in OPIF Pre Operations A.III.d Public Information Services A.III.e Assistance to local nutrition programs 24
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of policies, standards, programs developed No. of policies issued, updated, and disseminated % of stakeholders that rate nutrition policies as satisfactory or better % of policies that are reviewed/ updated in the last 3 years 25
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of stakeholders assisted % of stakeholders who rate the assistance as satisfactory or better % of requests that are acted upon within 5 days of receipt 26
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of trainings conducted (Includes multi media concerns) % of trainees who rate the training as satisfactory or better % of scheduled training courses conducted within 24 hours of planned scheduled start time 27
Multimedia concerns in trainings conducted One episode of radio or tv programs counted as 1 training session One IEC material (regardless of number of copies) counted as 1 training session 28
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of policies, standards, programs coordinated and monitored Structures for policy formulation, no. of structures maintained, no. of meetings held No. of special studies/ surveys program implementation reviews conducted Researches to aid policy formulation undertaken Regional PPAN implementation reviews held No. of program management systems developed 29
Changes in OPIF Pre No. of nutrition assessment, situationer/ reports released/ disseminated Reports prepared – no of types of reports and no. of copies Others in the FY 2014 Physical Plan 30
Guidelines for managing WFP 1.Should be based on the Operational Plan prepared in connection with the preparation of the budget proposal 2.Deviations from the Operational Plan should be discussed and approved by the IMC 3.All divisions, and OED should prepare its annual work and financial plan using the prescribed format (need to agree on whether will be quarterly breakdown or monthly) 31
Guidelines for managing WFP 4.All regional offices should prepare their respective work plans using the prescribed template a.Targets for policies should be region- specific (e.g. RNC resolution? RDC resolution? SDC resolution?) – should be policies 32
Policies per work plan of regional offices Adopting the RNC Strategic Plan Fabrication of height boards Supporting 2 Nutriskwela in the region Promotion of the NGF Adoption of national policies (NGF, RA 10028, Nutrition in emergencies, CGS and OPT guidelines, PPAN , amended PD 1569, ASIN Law, Nutrition Month) 33
Policies per work plan of regional offices Requesting DSWD, DepED, LGUs to post NGF Reorganization of ASIN Task Force Revitalization of regional salt iodization Creation of mandatory NAO position with office support Breastfeeding rooms in offices Enjoining LGUs to adopt OPT guidelines 34
Policies per work plan of regional offices Requesting DILG to issue circular to strengthen vegetable production and consumption in their respective LGUs Urging LGUs to implement proper solid waste segregation and construct sanitary landfill Reactivation of Regional Nutrition Committee 35
Guidelines for managing WFP 5.All regional offices should prepare their respective work plans a.Targets for training should include carry-over from 2013 and new trainings for 2014 based on inputs form NIED (for discussion) b.Targets for multimedia campaign should be specific, i.e. if IEC materials – what specific, if radio-estimated number of exposures etc 36
Guidelines for managing WFP 5.All regional offices should prepare their respective work plans c.Include targets related to activities for which specific funds have been earmarked, e.g. meetings with NAOs, D/CNPCs, BNS Federations; NGO forum; local nutrition planning workshops 37
Guidelines for managing WFP 6.NPPD to review WFPs of OED, divisions, and regional offices for endorsement to the Head of Agency for approval 7.NPPD to expand DBM Bed No. 2 to include GAS-related targets and other regional targets not yet considered in the submission to DBM 38
Guidelines for managing WFP 8.Divisions and OED should indicate the activity number (per BED No 2) in PRs to allow tracking of costs of projects and activities, which will in turn help improve budgeting. 9.FMD should develop and maintain a system that will allow tracking of actual project cost 39
Guidelines for managing WFP 10.All divisions, OED, and all regional offices shall submit a report of accomplishments using the NSD-prescribed form by the 5 th day of the first month of the quarter. 11.NSD shall consolidate reports for discussion in the Management Conference. (Do we want to change schedule of ManCon to the first month of each quarter?) 12.FD shall also prepare a report on fund use by project/activity 40
Guidelines for managing WFP 13.The use of savings realized for projects/activities shall be approved by the IMC (savings incurred may not necessarily be used for activities of the “owner- division” ). 14.Adjustments (e.g. carry over of targets to the next quarter or the next year) should be approved by the IMC 41
Guidelines for managing WFP 10.Timetable for 2014 WFP a.Submission of unit WFPs to NPPD– 9 January b.Submission of WFPs to OED for approval – 16 January c.Completion of 2014 WFP – 30 January 42
Guidelines for managing WFP 10.Timetable for 2015 onward a.Release of guidelines for WFP by NPPD – first week of August or upon submission of the budget to Congress, whichever comes first b.Submission of unit WFPs to NPPD – October c.Discussions on adjustments - November d.Preparation of budget execution forms – completion by 30 November e.Finalization of WFP - December 43
Schedule of key activities ActivityDate ManCon NET evaluation Awarding Convention of NAOs Convention of BNSs 44