SSIS as a Case Management Tool Nan Beman Anne Broskoff.


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Presentation transcript:

SSIS as a Case Management Tool Nan Beman Anne Broskoff

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Requirements and References  45 CFR Chapter XIII Conditions for approval of funding The system must provide for effective management, tracking and reporting by providing automated procedures to: …collect and manage information necessary to facilitate the delivery of client services, the acceptance and referral of clients, client registration, and the evaluation of the need for services under title IV-B Subparts 1 and 2, family preservation and support services, family reunification and permanent placement…

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  45 CFR Chapter XIII Funding authority for statewide automated child welfare information systems. States may receive Federal reimbursement for expenditures related to a SACWIS, to the extent such system: Provides for more efficient, economical and effective administration of the programs carried out under a State plan approved under title IV-B and title IV-E.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Tips for SSIS Use  Intake call comes into the agency Enter intake into SSIS instead of onto a form (handwritten or in Word). CPS reports screened in or out on SSIS (instead of documenting decisions on paper form) Case assignments made within SSIS (instead of paper form or assignment book)

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  Social Worker begins assessment Take minimal notes during contacts Enter complete case notes at a routine time into SSIS (instead of extensive handwritten notes), daily entry works best Safety assessment completed prior to allowing the child to remain in the household Complete risk assessment after all contacts, but prior to decision regarding case disposition.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  Case opened for case management Social worker routinely enters contacts/case notes in SSIS (instead of the little black book) Social worker enters placement within 48 hours of making placement (instead of filling out paper form) Draft of child protection plan or out-of-home placement plan begun within SSIS as soon as possible after meeting with family, and finalized in collaboration with family (within 30 days) (instead of handwriting plan for clerical support to type)

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  Social workers use data cleanup tool regularly to meet federal reporting requirements and save time. Reporting requirements are related to quality social work for children and their families. Example: court reviews of placement are important for clients, and must be reported for AFCARS. Also important for IV-E documentation

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Additional Required Documentation  Notices and letters to reporters and clients (always required)  Reports to Court (always required)  Listing demographics (always required)  Case plan goal (always required)  Date of parents’ TPR (always required)

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  Foster family structure, years of birth, race and hispanic origin (not required until AFCARS reporting began)  Case plans (always required)  Time reporting (always required at some level)  Client diagnosis/disabilities (probably only needed in plans or social history)

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, So, why use SSIS?  The best information in the system produces the best information from the system. Agencies use good data to support requests for staff, funding, and services.  County boards, state government, and federal legislators look to results and outcomes from services provided.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  The results of child welfare practice can be assessed and evaluated by the analysis of data.  Better analysis of current social work practice can result in improved approaches to the work for future clients.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, SSIS and CFSR &/or CCSA (Child and Family Service Reviews/ Children and Community Services Act)  CFSR- County-by-county review of achieving safety, permanency and well- being outcomes for children. Data is based on:  County Self-Assessment  Case Review Data & National Standards  Stakeholder interviews Program Improvement Plan (PIP) is required for those items rated an area needing improvement and unmet National Standards.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, CCSA Plans  Counties required to submit a Biennial Service Agreement to DHS to receive funds (06-07 due late 2005)  Service Agreements establish outcomes and identified strategies counties will use to achieve these outcomes.  Outcomes: Children’s Mental Health, Safety, Permanency and Well-Being

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, CCSA Outcomes  There are 10 Indicators/Measures 9 are closely related to the CFSR & National Standards  Repeat Maltreatment  Maltreatment in foster care  Re-entry  Stability  Reunification, adoption and LTC Relative w/in timelines  Initial health exams for placement cases  Mental health screening

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, National Standards  Currently set from 1997/98 NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System) & 2001 AFCARS (Adoptions and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System)  Six data elements/#’s reported to counties on how they compare  Repeat Maltreatment  Maltreatment in foster care  Re-entry  Stability  Reunification  adoption

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, So how does this relate to using SSIS?  CFSR Rely on Documentation in case file/SSIS & case related interviews  Documentation can be an underlying theme for items rated an area needing improvement and action steps will be required as part of the county’s PIP.  Non-required SSIS data elements (and those documented in separate paper forms) may require entry to avoid hand counting in order to measure improvement in the PIP.

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Documentation and the CFSR  CFSR and why document? Recall of dates, times, places… Change in workers Verify/confirm activities Measurement of the PIP

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Items Requiring Documentation  Safety Timeliness of Initiating and Investigation (Item 1)  Dates, victim seen, efforts made…Required fields Repeat Maltreatment (Item 2)  Required fields Services to Family to Protect Children in Home and Prevent Removal (Item 3)  Structured Decision Making Tools Risk of Harm to Children (Item 4)  Structured Decision Making Tools

Mentor MeetingAugust 23,  Permanency Foster Care Re-Entries (Item 5)  Dates, Reasons Stability of Foster Care Placement (Item 6)  Dates, Setting, Reason for changes Permanency Goal for Child (Items 7-10)  Dates Visiting with Parents and Siblings in Foster Care (Item 13)  Recollection & verification of dates/ frequency Items Requiring Documentation

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Items Requiring Documentation  Well-Being Child and Family Involved in Case Planning (Item 18)  Current case plan in file? Worker Visits with Child and Parents (Items 19 & 20)  Recollection & verification of dates/ frequency

Mentor MeetingAugust 23, Items Requiring Documentation Outcome: SSIS Reports Charting & Analysis Workers Input Data Methods of Measurement Report Data From CCSA &/or CFSR