Candidate Mentor District Superintendent dCOM Candidacy Registrar
dCOM assigns mentor in consultation with the DS and the Vocational Discernment Coordinator. Mentor asked to maintain open communication with dCOM. An Annual mentor report signed by candidate and mentor is recommended. Mentor report important part of the certification approval interview.
The mentor will prepare a report about the candidate’s progress and experiences in the exploratory candidacy studies. The candidate may read and request modifications to the report. It is important for candidate and mentor to reach a consensus in this report.
The candidate’s conversations and files are confidential, and any information from them is to be released only with the candidate’s written consent. The dCOM may not request information from candidacy/mentor sessions that are not contained in the mentor report.
The candidate, of course, may voluntarily include any of the information he/she chooses. The dCOM may ask for clarity and the candidate may add whatever he/she deems necessary. According to state law, when another person (particularly someone vulnerable) or the candidate is at risk, confidentiality does not apply
The report provides an introduction of the candidate to the dCOM. The report outlines issues that may need exploring with the committee. The dCOM will use the report as one source of information. There will be others.
A brief description of candidate’s understanding of grace, gifts, fruit and promise (potential) for effectiveness. The ways candidate has obtained information about the ministries of the deacon, elder and local pastor. Ways candidate has used information in developing understanding of self and ministry.
Local church, family, work and other influences that may be important in candidate’s progress toward ministry. Other insights or comments that may enable the dCOM to understand the candidate better.
The mentor will be present with the candidate. The mentor is expected to be primarily an observer with no interaction with the committee except the report. The mentor is not to try to influence the vote of the committee. The mentor does not meet with the dCOM without the candidate present
The candidate and the mentor meet to discuss the interview and the candidate’s understanding of the committee’s comments or recommendations and arrange for follow-through. The mentor attaches a record of the vote and any recommendations or comments to the mentor report and gives to the dCOM, candidate, and keeps one for self. The mentor records the dCOM’s decision in OCAS.
CR oversees the keeping of records on the progress and status of candidates until they are received in associate or provisional membership. dCOM files are forwarded to BOM when candidate applies for provisional membership. CR keeps full personnel records for all candidates under the care of the board.
CR is the key person for information and communication for the candidate and mentor and is available to answer questions and give assistance. CR ensures training for candidacy mentors. CR maintains an accountability structure for quality candidacy mentoring.