Fuzzy BSB-neuro-model
«Brain-State-in-a-Box Model» (BSB-model) Dynamic of BSB-model: (1) Activation function: (2) 2
Artificial neural network of associative memory 3
Fuzzy clustering Mapping: (3) Absolute capacity of linear auto-associative memory : (4) Membership function: (5) Hamming distance: (6) 4
Adjustment of synaptic weights Learning of correlation matrix-memory: (7) Widrow-Hoff autoassociative rule: (8) Orthogonal projection: (9) 5
Adjustment of synaptic weights Recurrent form of projection algorithm: (10) (11) (12) where - unit matrix 6
(14) (15) Delete of the pattern from matrix-memory: (13) Adjustment of synaptic weights Learning algorithm: 7 where - last row of matrix