1 AmendmentsAmendments ProcessExamplesReferencesProcessExamplesReferences
2 AmendmentsAmendments Amendments may be submitted by any member of the Grand Guardian Council: Past Bethel Guardians Past Associate Bethel Guardians Current Executive Council Members Grand Guardian Council Officers (elected and appointed) (elected and appointed)
3 AmendmentsAmendments UNIFORM CODES Bethels Mothers’ Fathers’ or Parents’ Clubs Guardian Council Associations May amend ONLY the blank portions of the Uniform Code Uniform Code amendments submitted on Form 122 obtained from the Supreme website:
4 AmendmentsAmendments Uniform Code continued Following adoption: Two copies of the proposed amendment are mailed to the Chairman of Jurisprudence within 30 days of adoption. When approved: days of adoption. When approved: One copy is retained at the Grand Secretary’s office Secretary’s office One copy is returned to the Bethel for their records for their records
5 AmendmentsAmendments California Manual of Rules & Regulations Shall be made at the Annual Session of the Grand Guardian Council and require a two-thirds (2/3) vote for passage Proposed changes to California Policies and procedures may only be proposed in Even procedures may only be proposed in Even numbered years and require a majority vote numbered years and require a majority vote of the body present and voting of the body present and voting Changes to Competition Rules may be proposed in accordance with the schedule in B/BGC ARTICLE XV, COMPETITION RULES, Section 3. Revision
6 AmendmentsAmendments California Manual Continued Proposed Amendments shall be submitted in writing or format to the Grand Secretary Must be RECEIVED on or before August 15 of the year of the Annual Session If ed – must contain an electronic/ scanned signature
7 AmendmentsAmendments California Manual Continued Proposed amendments will be distributed to voting members of GGC sixty [60] days prior to the Annual Session The Grand Secretary will not distribute any proposed amendment to voting delegates unless it is signed or has a scanned signature of a member of GGC
8 AmendmentsAmendments Proposed amendments must be in a form so as to show the wording of the entire paragraph as amended Amendments proposing only to delete, insert or substitute figures, letters, or phrases will not be accepted by the Grand Secretary
9 AmendmentsAmendments Sample: Amend Existing Article Grand Bethel Article VIII Section 3 [B] Now Reads: [B] All property of the Grand Bethel in the custody of a Grand Bethel Officer shall be returned to the Grand Bethel Board of Directors at the completion of her term. This shall include the complete portfolio, Medallion, flag [s] with staff [s] and any unsold pins and/or charms. Monies from sold pins or charms shall be returned prior to the opening of the Grand Bethel session. If these items are not returned, the Bethel which she represent shall be responsible for either flag [s] with staff [s] and any unsold pins and/or charms. Monies from sold pins or charms shall be returned prior to the opening of the Grand Bethel session. If these items are not returned, the Bethel which she represent shall be responsible for either the return of the items or their replacement the return of the items or their replacement
10 AmendmentsAmendments Amend to Read: [B] All property of the Grand Bethel in the custody of a Grand Bethel Officer shall be returned to the Grand Bethel Board of Directors at the completion of her term. This shall include the complete portfolio, Medallion and any unsold pins and/or charms. Monies from sold pins or charms shall be returned prior to the opening of the Grand Bethel session. If these items are not returned, the Bethel which she represent shall be responsible for either the return of the items or their replacement Submitted by: Gabby Guardian, PBG, Bethel No. 999 Everywhere, CA
11 AmendmentsAmendments Sample: Adding a New Section B/GGC Article IV Committees and Boards [U] [1] Add new [d] to read: Negotiations resulting in increased charges shall be coordinated with the Finance Committee before being finalized Submitted by: Donald Deputy, PABG, Bethel 7, Anywhere, CA
12 AmendmentsAmendments Sample: Deleting an Article/Section B/GGC ARTICLE VI FINANCES, Section 5 Disbursements From the Promotion Fund [F] Now reads: Monies not to exceed five hundred [$500] to be paid from The Promotional Fund of the Grand Guardian Council and With the approval of the Grand Guardian, Associate Grand Guardian, Finance Committee and the Chairman of the Pageant Committee may be used to help defray the budgeted expenses associated with Miss California Job’s Daughter. DELETE IN ITS ENTIRETY
14 AmendmentsAmendments References (continued) California Manual of Rules and Regulations California Supplemental Instruction 1, Section 2 PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY B/GGC ARTICLE XII MANUAL OF RULES AND REGULATIONS – AMENDMENTS [B] B/GGC ARTICLE XV COMPETITION RULES Section 3 Revision Section 3 Revision
15 AmendmentsAmendments QUESTIONS COMMITTEE CONTACT INFORMATION Rhonda Gayler – Bud Riebel – Marcy Lake –