RISE improving sustainability of agricultural production Response - Inducing Sustainability Evaluation
RISE Tackling sustainability deficits on dairy farms in Northeastern China with RISE Response - Inducing Sustainability Evaluation
What is RISE ? Tackling sustainability deficits on dairy farms in Northeastern China with RISE Partnerships to achieve impact Contents Response - Inducing Sustainability Evaluation
What is RISE ? RISE is a tool/model allowing for a holistic sustainability assessment of agricultural production with the aim of initiating improvements where necessary economy ecology RISE socio-cultural aspects
What is RISE ? RISE is a tool/model allowing for a holistic sustainability assessment of agricultural production with the aim of initiating improvements where necessary the tools covers ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainability evaluates production at whole-farm level economy ecology RISE socio-cultural aspects
economy ecology RISE socio-cultural aspects RISE translates information...
economy ecology RISE socio-cultural aspects …into stimulus for change identification of- strengths ( potentials) and - weaknesses ( intervention points)
inducing changes (awareness, practical measures) to improve the situation economy ecology RISE socio-cultural aspects …into stimulus for change action! farmer identification of- strengths ( potentials) and - weaknesses ( intervention points)
ecology economy social aspects RISE is holistic… RISE covers all three dimensions of sustainability
RISE is holistic… RISE covers all three dimensions of sustainability Energy Water Soil Biodiversity Emission potential (N&P) Plant protection Waste Economic stability Economic efficiency Local economy Working conditions Social security Natural resources Management Economy Social situation 12 indicators:
Reaction Measures augment valuable filed margins, less intensive use of certain fields, downsize particular plots, etc. …and nonetheless specific Each indicator is calculated from various parameters (around 60 parameters in total) Indicator Biodiversity Parameter Value SP1:Cropping system (>10 factors 16 such as pesticide use, valuable field margins or hedges, etc.) DP1:Proportion of intensively cropped area58 (-) DP2:Plot size52 (-) DP3:Weed control 10 (-) Degree of sustainability DS = S - D = = -24 State Parameter "SP" opt.=100 Driving Force Parameter "DF" opt.=0
RISE at different scales/levels Evaluation of many farms
RISE at different scales/levels Evaluation of many farms
framework conditions Evaluation of many farms Analysis of framework conditions RISE at different scales/levels
framework conditions regulations / laws /... Evaluation of many farms Analysis of framework conditions Responsible policies Measures at farm level Conducive framework Policy advice Measures at farm level Conducive framework Policy advice RISE at different scales/levels
Case Study, Northeastern China RISE analysis of dairy farms
Case Study, Northeastern China RISE analysis of 30 dairy farms in Shuangcheng district, Heilongjian province, NE China Collaboration with the local government and Nestlé China Ltd.
0.7 ha; 3.3 LU/ha; 2.0 Working force; 8’700 kg milk/year;Crops:maize, rice Actual Example: Milk supplier No.3 for Nestlé, NE-China Milk suppliers, NE-China Driving Force (D) State (S) ▬▬ Degree of Sustainability (DS) DS: negative positive Border Area
Energy Water Soil Biodiversity Emission Pot. N&P Plant Protection Waste Cash Flow Income Investments Local Economy Social Situation Indicators Degree of Sustainability n=30 Milk suppliers, NE-China (30 farms)
Indicator Emission Potential Degree of Sustainability Milk suppliers, NE-China (30 farms)
single parameters for indicator Em.Pot. SP1 SP2 DF1 manure storage absolute amount of N&P per ha Indicator Emission Potential Degree of Sustainability Driving Force (points) State (points) nutrient balance Milk suppliers, NE-China (30 farms)
single parameters for indicator Em.Pot. SP1 SP2 DF1 manure storage Indicator Emission Potential Degree of Sustainability Driving Force (points) State (points) nutrient balance absolute amount of N&P per ha Milk suppliers, NE-China (30 farms)
single parameters for indicator Em.Pot. SP1 SP2 DF1 manure storage absolute amount of N&P per ha Indicator Emission Potential Degree of Sustainability Driving Force (points) State (points) nutrient balance Milk suppliers, NE-China (30 farms)
Milk suppliers, NE-China
single parameters for indicator Em.Pot. SP1 SP2 DF1 manure storage absolute amount of N&P per ha Indicator Emission Potential Degree of Sustainability Driving Force (points) State (points) nutrient balance Milk suppliers, NE-China
Investments in slurry containers and tight slurry compartments Milk suppliers, NE-China
Optimized Milk suppliers, NE-China 0.7 ha; 3.3 LU/ha; 2.0 Working force; 8’700 kg milk/year;Crops:maize, rice Actual Example: Milk supplier No.3 for Nestlé, NE-China Driving Force (D) State (S) ▬▬ Degree of Sustainability (DS) DS: negative positive Border Area
Optimized (manure recycling: storage, handling, selling 85%) Milk suppliers, NE-China 0.7 ha; 3.3 LU/ha; 2.0 Working force; 8’700 kg milk/year;Crops:maize, rice Actual Example: Milk supplier No.3 for Nestlé, NE-China Driving Force (D) State (S) ▬▬ Degree of Sustainability (DS) DS: negative positive Border Area
Impact of the study collaboration of Nestlé with the regional government: Impact of the study collaboration of Nestlé with the regional government: Establishment of an extension service team Demonstration farms in 74 milk collection centers Experimental farm (training for farmers) Installation of over 400 biogas generators Village manure storage (business generation) planned Extension DVD on good agricultural practice Promotion of innovative ideas for farming communities Case Study, Northeastern China
Partnerships to achieve impact public privatepartnership
Farmers Government institutions Private sector (processing, retailers, …) Partnerships to achieve impact
Farmers Government institutions Private sector (processing, retailers, …) Other public entities (NGOs, Research institutions, …) Partnerships to achieve impact
Farmers Government institutions Private sector (processing, retailers, …) Other public entities (NGOs, Research institutions, …) Education, training, extension Partnerships to achieve impact
Farmers Government institutions Private sector (processing, retailers, …) Other public entities (NGOs, Research institutions, …) Education and training, extension Producer and label organizations … Partnerships to achieve impact
Experience with RISE holistic and at the same time specific tool of value at different levels applied in collaboration with various partners Potential for tangible impact
Thank you Symposium on Indicator and Assessment Systems March 16 & 17, 2006 Bern, Switzerland