1 October 20, 2015
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 2 Flexibility ICICI Pru Pinnacle Super gives you… Choice of Premium payment term Multiple Fund options Innovative new fund offering Flexibility
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 3 Choice of PPT One Pay Pay just ONCE and enjoy the product benefits for the term For customers who want to make a lumpsum investment / not sure of their income stream Five Pay Invest regularly for five years and enjoy the product benefits for the term For customers who want to save regularly
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 4 Multiple fund options Invest in the funds of your choice !! Highest NAV Fund B Dynamic P/E Fund Return Guarantee Fund MultiCap Growth Fund Bluechip Fund Opportunities Fund MultiCap Balanced Fund Income Fund Money Market Fund New
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. Introducing 5 Recorded on a daily basis within the first seven years of the launch of a series, subject to a minimum of Rs. 11/- Not just the highest NAV…. Highest NAV Fund B
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 6 Key benefits of Highest NAV Fund B Highest NAV Fund B (HNFB) No cap on equity exposure – May go up to 100% Actively managed fund depending on market conditions 110% of highest NAV in first 7 years guaranteed at maturity * Highest NAV of Highest NAV Fund B Expected returns similar to that of a balanced fund
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 7 Guaranteed NAV The ‘highest NAV Guarantee’ of the product is linked to the Highest NAV Fund B and not solely to the equity market index 110% of Highest NAV recorded on a daily basis in the first 7 years of the HNFB is guaranteed at maturity (from 11/03/2011 to 11/03/2018) Guaranteed NAV Minimum Guaranteed NAV: Rs. 11/-
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 8 Highest NAV Fund B Investment will be done through series of close ended funds Each series will be closed when required amount of fund is collected* Renewal premiums will go into same series as first premium Fund can be selected only at inception FundAsset Mix Min % Max % Potential risk reward Highest NAV Fund B Equity and Equity Related Securities 0%100% Moderate Debt Instruments and derivatives 0%100% Objective: Generate optimal returns through an actively managed equity portfolio while using debt instruments to manage the guarantee * 7 days notice will be given before the close of the fund
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 9 Investment strategy Market Based Asset Allocation At inception, assets will be largely invested in equities Asset allocation between equity and debt will be dynamically and continuously managed depending on prevalent market conditions Managing the guarantee If NAV falls below predetermined limits, assets may be completely reallocated to debt Assets in equity will be moved to debt if equity markets or interest rates fall
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 10 Highest NAV Fund B Since the fund has a mix of equity and debt, the Guaranteed NAV will not be the same as the highest level of the equity markets over the 7 yr period E.g. If Sensex moves from 15 K to 30 K (100% growth), the HNFB NAV will not necessarily move from Rs.10 to Rs.20 (100% growth) Under normal circumstances, returns will be similar to that of a balanced fund
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 11 Illustration I NAV (Rs.) Policy years Highest NAV – Rs. 25 NAV on maturity date– Rs. 19 Applicable NAV at maturity: 110% * 25 = 27.5 Applicable NAV at maturity: 110% * 25 =
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 12 Illustration II NAV (Rs.) Policy years Highest NAV – Rs. 25 NAV on maturity date– Rs. 30 Applicable NAV at maturity: Max (27.5, 30) = 30 Applicable NAV at maturity: Max (27.5, 30) =
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 13 Choose Five Pay option and the premium amount How does the plan work? Choose Sum Assured as per your protection needs Invest your premiums in the proportion of your choice in the multiple funds available On maturity of your policy, receive the benefit amount to meet your financial goals In the unfortunate event of death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy, the nominee will receive the Death Benefit to meet any financial liabilities
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 14 Selecting the funds Choose your fund(s) depending on your investment objective You can choose multiple funds to invest your premiums in Highest NAV Fund B is available only at inception Funds can be switched out of the Highest NAV Fund B but funds cannot be switched into it
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 15 Loyalty Additions Additional allocation at maturity of 2% of the fund value recorded as on maturity date Applicable only if all due premiums are paid Prevailing NAV is used to calculate the Loyalty Addition and not the Guaranteed NAV
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 16 Death benefit In the event of death of the Life Assured, the nominee shall receive, subject to Minimum Death Benefit: For One pay option Sum Assured or Fund Value, whichever is higher For Five pay option Sum Assured PLUS Fund Value
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 17 Minimum Death Benefit Minimum Death Benefit is 105% of the total premiums (including top-up premiums) paid LESS: The amount of partial withdrawals made during the two years immediately preceding the date of death of Life Assured where death occurs before or at age 60 last birthday The amount of all partial withdrawals made after attaining age 58 last birthday where the death of Life Assured occurs after age 60 last birthday
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 18 Maturity benefit The Guaranteed NAV will be as follows: RGF - Rs. XX.XX or the prevailing NAV of the RGF as on that date, whichever is higher. Highest NAV Fund B - 110% of the highest NAV recorded on a daily basis within the first seven years of the launch of the series On Maturity of the policy, you get: In case of RGF and Highest NAV Fund B – higher of applicable guaranteed value and fund value In case of all other funds – the fund value Where, Guaranteed Fund Value = Guaranteed NAV X Units at maturity Fund Value = Prevailing NAV X Units at maturity
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 19 Partial withdrawals One partial withdrawal every year from the 6th policy year Guaranteed NAV will not apply for partial withdrawals Max partial withdrawal amount – 20% of the FV as on date of partial withdrawal Min partial withdrawal amount – Rs.2,000 Liquidity through partial withdrawals
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 20 Switch / Premium redirection Switch Four free switches every policy year Funds can be switched out of Highest NAV Fund B but switches into the fund will not be allowed. Premium redirection Specify the funds and the proportion in which you want to invest your renewal premiums Premiums cannot be redirected to Highest NAV Fund B Applicable only for the Five Pay option
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 21 Top Ups You have the option to increase your investment by investing additional money over and above your regular premiums, at your convenience The Top up premiums cannot be invested in Highest NAV Fund B Minimum top-up amount is Rs. 2,000 Top-up premiums can only be paid during the first five years of the policy, subject to underwriting so long as all due premiums have been paid In case you avail of a top up, you will have to increase your Sum Assured by either 125% or 500% of the top up premium amount
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 22 Increase/Decrease in Sum Assured Subject to underwriting, allowed on policy anniversaries before the life assured attains age 60 Five Pay option: Increase subject to sustainability matrix Increases would be allowed in multiples of Rs 1,000 Cost of any medical reports and charges will be borne by the policyholder Allowed only on policy anniversaries subject to the minimum SA Increase in SA Decrease in SA
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 23 Surrender value Surrenders are not allowed during the first five policy years On surrender after completion of the fifth policy year, the policy shall terminate and Fund Value including Top up fund value, if any, will be paid to the policyholder
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 24 ICICI Pru Pinnacle Super at a glance Premium payment term 1 year 5 years FeaturesICICI Pru Pinnacle Super Minimum Premium One Pay - Rs. 50,000 p.a. Five Pay – Rs.24,000 p.a Maximum PremiumNo cap Policy Term10 years (fixed) Mode of premium paymentAnnual Min age at entry8 years Max age at entry 70 years for One Pay 65 years for Five Pay Min age at maturity18 years Max age at maturity 80 years for One Pay 75 years for Five Pay Premium Payment Option One Pay Five Pay
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 25 FeaturesICICI Pru Pinnacle Super Minimum Sum Assured Maximum Sum Assured One payFive Pay 125% of premium10 X annual premium ICICI Pru Pinnacle Super at a glance One payFive Pay 125% of premiumAs per sustainability matrix
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 26 Charges Premium Allocation Charges: One Pay option Five Pay option Top up allocation charge: 2% of top up premium Mortality charges will be deducted on a monthly basis on the life cover Year 1Year 2Year %5%3% Single Premium (Rs.)Charge (% of single premium) < Rs. 500,0005% >= Rs. 500,0004%
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 27 Charges Policy Administration Charge: One pay option Five Pay option This charge will be deducted through redemption of Units and is subject to a max of Rs. 500 per month Policy Administration Charge per month (% of annual premium Year 1 to Year 50.25% Year 6 to Year % Policy Administration Charge per month (% of single premium) Year 1 to Year 50.12% Year 6 to Year 10NIL
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 28 Fund management charges *There will be an additional charge for the investment guarantee, made by adjustment to the NAV, for the funds below: Highest NAV Fund B: 0.50% p.a. Return Guarantee Fund: 0.25% p.a. Fund name Highest NAV Fund B (ULIF /03/11 LHighNavB 105) *, Opportunities Fund (ULIF /11/09 LOpport 105), Multi Cap Growth Fund (ULIF /11/09 LMCapGro 105), Bluechip Fund (ULIF /11/09 LBluChip 105), Multi Cap Balanced Fund (ULIF /11/09 LMCapBal 105), Income Fund (ULIF /11/09 LIncome 105), Dynamic P/E Fund (ULIF /01/10 LDynmicPE 105) Return Guarantee Fund (RGF) (ULIF /12/08 LRGF1 105)* Money market Fund (ULIF /11/09 LMoneyMkt 105) Fund charges 1.35%1.25%0.75%
This material is strictly meant for circulation within the organization/ solely for training and/or education of the employees of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd. or its advisors, corporate agents or brokers and should not be further circulated or used for presentation to a prospect or general public at large. 29 Thank you!!