A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems December 6th and 7th, 2004 National Science Foundation, Arlington VA.


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Presentation transcript:

A Discussion about Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observing systems December 6th and 7th, 2004 National Science Foundation, Arlington VA.

CEO Discussion Group Welcome Housekeeping –Quiz 1 –Lunch choice –Dinner –Travel reimbursement Goals Introductions

CEO Discussion Group NEON+OOI+HOI+CLEANER_EFF = significant investment What sort of cyberinfrastructure is needed to maximize the ability to use EOs for research? What sort of cyberinfrastructure is needed to maximize access to and use of information from EOs (now & in future)? How should information infrastructure for EOs be designed to maximize flexibility as EOs and their uses evolve? How much of the necessary cyberinfrastructure do we know how to build now? Is any further research needed to develop CI for EOs? What should be the steps in the process by which information infrastructure for EOs is developed and implemented? How much of CI for EOs is independent of the EO?

CEO Discussion Group 9:1510 minute briefings on OOI, CLEANER, HOI, NEON - Detrick, Bonner, Maidment/Duncan, Michener 10:30Introduction to CI topics – Baru, Ludaescher, Welge 11:10Observatory CI Use Cases - L: Michener & Detrick; R: Pancake & Jones 1:30Observatory CI Challenge 1: Networking and security - L: Papadopoulos; R: Maidment & Sanderson 2:30Observatory CI Challenge 2: Metadata, semantic information, and ontologies. - L: Forsyth; R: Bonner & Ludaescher 4:00Observatory CI Challenge 3: Resource registration, collections management and workflow - L: Baru; R: Helly & Krishtalka 5:00Observatory CI Challenge 4: Collaborative environments - L: Minsker; R: Jones

CEO Discussion Group December 7 9:00Closing the gap between observatory needs and IT tools & approaches that span the observatories. - L: Gray; R: Livny, Ellisman, Burch 10:45The path forward. - L: Michener, Sanderson, Chao, Duncan, Welge, Baru

CEO Discussion Group Introductions

Agenda 8:45Welcome and NSF PerspectiveDave Campbell & Sangtae Kim 9:00Charge/AgendaCoordinating group 9:1510 minute briefings on OOI, CLEANER, HOI, NEON 10:05Discussion 10:20-10:30 Break 10:30Introduction to CI topics – Baru, Ludaescher, Welge 11:10Observatory CI Use Cases LEAD: Bill Michener & Bob Detrick, RESPONDENTS: Cherri Pancake & Matt Jones 12:30-1:30 Working Lunch 1:30Observatory CI Challenge 1: Networking and security LEAD: Phil Papadopoulos, RESPONDENTS: David Maidment & Art Sanderson 2:30Observatory CI Challenge 2: Metadata, semantic information, and ontologies. LEAD: Danielle Forsyth, RESPONDENTS: Jim Bonner & Bertram Ludaescher 3:30Break 4:00Observatory CI Challenge 3: Resource registration, collections management and workflow LEAD: Chaitan Baru, RESPONDENTS: John Helly, Leonard Krishtalka 5:00Observatory CI Challenge 4: Collaborative environments LEAD: Barbara Minsker, RESPONDENTS: Matt Jones 5:30Summary, what have we neglected, planning for homework. 6:00Break for dinner (Neighboring restaurant) December 7 8:30Light refreshments 9:00Closing the gap between observatory needs and IT tools & approaches that span the observatories. LEAD: Jim Gray RESPONDENTS: Miron Livny, Mark Ellisman, Jeff Burch What software tools/approaches are common to different environmental observatories? Of the necessary tools, which exist now? What are the obstacles to their adoption? What tools would be helpful if they had a little more work? What tools are missing? How much of the design and implementation of information infrastructure for environmental observatories can be shared across observatories? 10:30 Break 10:45The path forward. LEAD: Bill Michener, Art Sanderson, Yi Chao, Jon Duncan, Michael Welge, Chaitan Baru What should the communities do next, what should NSF do next? 12:00Working Lunch 1:00 Adjourn

Private or published results Local resources Search tools Meta- data Onto- logies Resource registry Workflow generation tools Private virtual Work- spaces Shared virtual Work- spaces Monitoring & control services Workflow Orchestration engine OtherModels Analysis and visualization Datasets Event detection Registration service DDD A M Q Information resources Portal D data Q Q/A M model A analysis Observing Systems Real-time data streams Scientists Identity management Compute servers Long-term archives Hardware resources Digital libraries “Virtual Organization” conceptual view of information infrastructure Task SCIENCE