Penetration Test
ELearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester
ELearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester (eCPPT) is an Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Professional certification offered by eLearnSecurity. The eCPPT exam requires the student to carry out a real penetration test against a target and to build a penetration testing report. The eCPPT is part of a growing trend of Professional certifications requiring practical portions demonstrating competency in performing the tested duties.
ELearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester - Penetration Testing Course - Professional The eCPPT exam can be taken within 120 days from the date of enrollment in the Penetration Testing Course - Professional.
ELearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester - Penetration Testing Course - Professional Penetration Testing Course is the distance learning course delivered in e-learning format.
Penetration test A penetration test, occasionally pentest, is a method of evaluating computer and network security by simulating an attack on a computer system or network from external and internal threats
Penetration test Security issues uncovered through the penetration test are presented to the system's owner. Effective penetration tests will couple this information with an accurate assessment of the potential impacts to the organization and outline a range of technical and procedural countermeasures to reduce risks.
Penetration tests are valuable for several reasons:
Penetration test Penetration tests are a component of a full security audit. For example, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and security and auditing standard, requires both annual and ongoing penetration testing (after system changes).
Penetration test - History Penetration testing is one of the oldest methods for assessing the security of a computer system. In the early 1970s, the Department of Defense used this method to demonstrate the security weaknesses in computer systems and to initiate the development of programs to create more secure systems. Penetration testing is increasingly used by organizations to assure the security of Information systems and services, so that security weaknesses can be fixed before they get exposed.
Penetration test - Standards and certification The Information Assurance Certification Review Board (IACRB) manages a penetration testing certification known as the Certified Penetration Tester (CPT). The CPT requires that the exam candidate pass a traditional multiple choice exam, as well as pass a practical exam that requires the candidate to perform a penetration test against servers in a virtual machine environment.
Penetration test - Specialized OS distributions This is useful because the penetration tester does not have to hunt down a tool when it is required
Penetration Testing A 'penetration test', or the short form pentest, is an attack on a computer system with the intention of finding security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to it, its functionality and data
Penetration Testing A penetration test will advise if a system is vulnerable to attack, if the defenses were sufficient and which defenses (if any) were defeated in the penetration test.
Penetration Testing This is where the difference lay between a vulnerability assessment and penetration test - the vulnerability assessment is everything that you may be susceptible to, the penetration test is based on if your defense can be defeated.
Penetration Testing Penetration tests are a component of a full Information technology security audit|security audit. For example, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and security and auditing standard, requires both annual and ongoing penetration testing (after system changes).
Penetration Testing - History In addition, a number of the RAND analysts insisted that the penetration test exercises all offered several benefits that justified its continued use
Penetration Testing - History As Hunt suggests in a recent paper on the history of penetration testing, the defense establishment ultimately created many of the tools used in modern day cyberwarfare, as it carefully defined and researched the many ways in which computer penetrators could hack into targeted systems.Hunt (2012), p
Penetration Testing - Specialized OS distributions There are several operating system distributions, which are geared towards performing penetration testing. Distributions typically contains pre-packaged and pre-configured set of tools. This is useful because the penetration tester does not have to hunt down a tool when it is required. This may in turn lead to further complications such as compile errors, dependencies issues, configuration errors, or simply acquiring additional tools may not be practical in the tester's context.
Penetration Testing - Specialized OS distributions Popular examples are Kali Linux (replacing Backtrack as of December 2012) based on Debian Linux, Pentoo based on Gentoo Linux and WHAX based on Slackware Linux. There are many other specialized operating systems for penetration testing, each more or less dedicated to a specific field of penetration testing.
Cone penetration test - History and development One advantage of CPT over the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a more continuous profile of soil parameters, with CPTU data recorded typically at 20cm intervals.
Cone penetration test - Additional in situ testing parameters Use of Piezometric Cone Penetration Testing with Electrical Conductivity Measurements (CPTU-EC) for Detection of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Saturated Granular Soils
Cone penetration test - Standards and use Use of the Piezometric Cone Penetration Test and Penetrometer Groundwater Sampling for Volatile Organic Contaminant Plume Detection
Standard penetration test The 'standard penetration test' (SPT) is an in-situ dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on the geotechnical engineering properties of Soil mechanics|soil
Standard penetration test - Purpose Although this is not a standard penetration test, and should not be regarded as such, it may at least give an indication as to whether the deposit is really as loose as the standard test may indicate.
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