Thomas Edison Lighting Mechanical use of electricity
Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Telephone service
Jane Addams Settlement House Hull House Chicago, IL
Chief Joseph Nez Perce Try to escape to Canada
Booker T. Washington Born a slave Started Tuskegee Institute in Al Vocational education Accept social segregation now
W.E.B. DuBois Full political, civil, and social rights for African Americans Founder of NAACP
John D Rockefeller Captain of Industry Oil Had a monopoly Philanthropist
Andrew Carnegie Captain of industry - steel Homestead Strike Philanthropist
Henry Ford Captain of Industry - automobile Assembly Line Philanthropist
Susan B. Anthony Suffragist; 19 th Amendment
Woodrow Wilson WWI and the 14 Points League of Nations
Wright Brothers Invented airplane Kitty Hawk, NC
Guglielmo Marconi Developed the radio
David Sarnoff The Broadcast Industry NBC - Radio and TV
Georgia O'Keeffe Artist - Southwest and urban scenes
F Scott Fitzgerald Novelist - The Great Gatsby Roaring Twenties ’s
John Steinbeck Novelist - The Grapes of Wrath Novel of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl
Aaron Copland Composer of uniquely American music
George Gershwin Composer uniquely American music
Jacob Lawrence African American artist Harlem Renaissance Great Migration
Langston Hughes African American poet Harlem Renaissance
Duke Ellington African American Jazz musician Harlem Renaissance
Louis Armstrong African American Jazz musician
Bessie Smith African American Blues singer Harlem Renaissance
Franklin D Roosevelt President - Great Depression and WWII Created the New Deal and Fireside Chats Led US to victory over the Axis
Eleanor Roosevelt Wife of FDR Worked for expanding women’s rights
Adolph Hitler Leader of Germany - Axis Power Holocaust WWII
Benito Mussolini Fascist leader of Italy - Axis Power Dictator
Hideki Tojo Military dictator of Japan WWII
Winston Churchill Prime Minister United Kingdom - WWII Battle of Britain – didn’t give in Gave the “Iron Curtain” phrase to Cold War
Joseph Stalin Communist dictator of the Soviet Union Ally in WWII Enemy in Cold War
Harry S. Truman US President at end of WWII Ordered Atomic Bomb on Japan Established the Marshall Plan Integrated the US Military in 1948
George C. Marshall Chief of Staff in US Army during WWII Secretary of State after WWII Developed the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe and stop communism from spreading.
Rosie the Riveter Symbol of women working during WWII in the defense plants
Rosa Parks Arrested in Montgomery, AL for not giving up her seat. Began the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Martin Luther King, JR Leader Civil Rights Movement Civil Disobedience and Passive Resistance (non-violence)
Freedom Riders Civil Disobedience Passive resistance (non-violence) Broke Jim Crow Laws