Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination Stereotypes A set of beliefs about the personal attributes of a group of people Stereotypes make information processing more efficient Human brains look for ways to categorize data to make life easier
Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination Prejudice A biased evaluation of a group, based on real or imagined characteristics of the group members (stereotypes) Discrimination Negative act towards a person or group of people because of their group membership
Stereotypes Billy Bob McCrackenHeinrich Schliemann
Stereotypes – Girls versus Boys Better at math Emotional Good communicators Better at sports Better at listening Better at school More successful Nurturing Shouldn’t cry Overactive sex drive
Discrimination Difficult to demonstrate at the individual level Women tend to acknowledge having been discriminated against as a group, but few report being personally being discriminated against
Discrimination Normally assessed at the aggregate level Example, the rate of first degree murder prosecutions in Florida based on the race of the victim and defendant DefendantVictimProsecution Rate African American 40% White 50% African AmericanWhite90% WhiteAfrican American50%
Implicit stereotypes and attitudes Implicit stereotypes A stereotype that is powerful enough to operate without conscious control Powerful attitudes that are sometimes hidden from conscious awareness Today we’ll take an Implicit Association Test, developed by Harvard researchers, to discover our own potential implicit stereotypes
Go to Labs 2 & 3 Google “harvard implicit” Click on the first option Click on “Go to demo tests” Pick a test and follow the instructions