Literature Module
What do you have to bring? 1. A ring binder: This will be your “ log ”. 2. Looseleaf paper: 3. Dividers: 4. A pen:
What is a “ log ” ? The Log is a journal which provides evidence of the student's learning. The Log will be a collection of the tasks that the student performs while learning literature and higher order thinking skills. All tasks, even those that are not graded, will be kept in the log.
5 Points Students Module F 3 Short stories 4 poems 1 play
4 Points Students Module D 3 Short stories 4 poems
What will we do? Every “ piece ” ( poem, story or play) is one unit. Every unit has 7 “ components ” (parts) Every component has an activity or a task.
Key Components Pre-reading Basic Understanding Analysis and Interpretation Bridging text and Context Post- reading Reflection Summative Assessment (test)
How is your grade calculated? In each unit, one task is graded After each unit there is a test You earn points for doing all of the tasks and participating in the activities
The points for each unit - The graded task: 30% of the unit grade Doing all of the tasks and participating in the activities: 20% of the unit grade The test: 50% of the unit grade
THE LOG PRESENTATION OF THE LOG SHOULD INCLUDE: All Key Components Title page Table of contents Headlines Page number Neatly presented and handed in on time.
Other things you should know 1.You must hand in all work on time. 2.There is no “ magen ” grade 3. There is no test at the end of the module on everything you did all year. 4. There is no “ moed bet ”