GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 1 GOES USERS’ CONFERENCE IV: Discussion Highlights Algorithm Development David Kitzmiller
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 2 1)(A) What groups (beyond the system prime contractor and NOAA/NESDIS/ORA) should be represented on the AWG teams? (B) Should there be other potential AWG teams? A) add users and international partners to appropriate AWGs. A) add users and international partners to appropriate AWGs. B) potential new AWGs are decision support and visualization B) potential new AWGs are decision support and visualization
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 3 2) What do each of you perceive as the greatest risks for complete data usage on “Day 1” in the area of algorithm development? Definition: Day 1 is the first day of full operations after the intensive on-orbit calibration and checkout period. Lack of input early on from nontraditional users so that the products do not meet their needs for sampling, format, interface, compatibility with their data systems, etc. Lack of input early on from nontraditional users so that the products do not meet their needs for sampling, format, interface, compatibility with their data systems, etc. Do outreach to nontraditional usersDo outreach to nontraditional users Data not of advertised quality Data not of advertised quality Data not certified by other agencies (e. g. FAA) therefore cannot be used for their requirements. Data not certified by other agencies (e. g. FAA) therefore cannot be used for their requirements. Recommend NOAA mitigate these risks early
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 4 3) What type of test beds and documentation is recommended to demonstrate GOES-R algorithms meet mission requirements? And how should radiances and products be validated after GOES-R is launched? Test bed to be defined by the algorithm working groups and users to meet their requirements for algorithm development. Test bed to be defined by the algorithm working groups and users to meet their requirements for algorithm development. Post launch validation to be conducted by the AWGs. Post launch validation to be conducted by the AWGs. Algorithm validation plan developed and discussed with the users before launchAlgorithm validation plan developed and discussed with the users before launch Include intensive validation experiments and long-term validation for the life of the systemInclude intensive validation experiments and long-term validation for the life of the system
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 5 4) What test beds are recommended to allow users to prepare for the utilization of GOES-R products & how far in advance? AWG produces the Test Bed AWG produces the Test Bed Engage the user group in the design and data used in the test bedEngage the user group in the design and data used in the test bed Provide at least one season of proxy data in the test bed.Provide at least one season of proxy data in the test bed. Include all data types the user community usesInclude all data types the user community uses Deliver test bed to users at least 2 years before launchDeliver test bed to users at least 2 years before launch Use open standards and platforms for the test bed and data systems. Use open standards and platforms for the test bed and data systems. Provide data from on-orbit checkout (operate for 3-6 months prior to on-orbit storage?) to the users through the test bed. Provide data from on-orbit checkout (operate for 3-6 months prior to on-orbit storage?) to the users through the test bed.
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 6 4-6) What do users need when? (Top 4 points): Test Beds 2 yrs before launch Test Beds 2 yrs before launch Add a user readiness team to the AWGs Add a user readiness team to the AWGs User forumsUser forums Comprehensive performance analysis over full range of conditions Comprehensive performance analysis over full range of conditions Provide real data from the checkout period prior to on- orbit storage to the users through the test beds. Provide real data from the checkout period prior to on- orbit storage to the users through the test beds.
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 7 7) How should improvements to the algorithms be implemented? AWG responsible for validation of products and implementing improvements as necessary AWG responsible for validation of products and implementing improvements as necessary Evaluate impact on users. User needs is a guide for deciding to implement improvements. Evaluate impact on users. User needs is a guide for deciding to implement improvements. Satellite Product Services Review Board (SPSRB) is the mechanism in place at NOAA for this process Satellite Product Services Review Board (SPSRB) is the mechanism in place at NOAA for this process
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 8 8) Will the algorithms and/or software be available to the user communities? What about the international communities? Recommend that algorithms source code and documentation to be widely available Recommend that algorithms source code and documentation to be widely available Should be available to the international community. Important for international collaboration (GEOSS) Should be available to the international community. Important for international collaboration (GEOSS)
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 9 9) What other questions or issues would you like to have the group discuss? Test beds will require funding at the receiving agencies to use them and prepare to use the data. Test beds will require funding at the receiving agencies to use them and prepare to use the data. Involve the users throughout in the process of algorithm develop, testing, validation and improvement Involve the users throughout in the process of algorithm develop, testing, validation and improvement
GOES Users’ Conference IV May 1-3, 2006 Broomfield, CO Prepared by Integrated Work Strategies, LLC 10 Background Information GOALS GOALS To optimize the development processTo optimize the development process To provide efficient transition from the algorithm developers to operationsTo provide efficient transition from the algorithm developers to operations To engage the usersTo engage the users Definition Definition An algorithm is an equation that converts data to a desired product. It starts with a piece of code (scientific algorithm) that then needs be documented and placed in robust code and validated with test data including identifying the error characteristics.An algorithm is an equation that converts data to a desired product. It starts with a piece of code (scientific algorithm) that then needs be documented and placed in robust code and validated with test data including identifying the error characteristics.